Issue nr. 231
Wednesday, December 7th 2022


My apologies for the delay in publishing this issue but as readers will see there are a significant number of pictures from various events and trips.

Last weekend saw the LBM-Ensign Bus running day which proved to be an excellent number of contributions.

We also have visits to Bedford and Southampton plus a great article relating to RM2217.

231 includes some interesting pictures from London where my wraps are appearing.

For issue 231 we have pictures old and new from Oxford bus via Grahame Wareham.

Readers letters have produced questions and answers which  I hope attracts some answers.

This issue gives details from Ensign Dealers of arrivals and sales. 

Peter Cartwright 

I see that the new timetables effective from 8 January 2023 are now on the Buckinghamshire website. 

Changes to bus services | Buckinghamshire Council

Arriva have revised schedules for the 32, 33, 48 and 800 and lose the 41 to Carousel. 

The 48 is no longer interworked with the 41 and is basically hourly until 17.15 with then a 3 hour gap till the last one at 20.15.  How  the service to Lane End has deteriorated over the years! 

The 800 is rerouted between Henley and Reading via the A4155 (as Carousel's X80 once did) omitting Binfield Heath and Dunsden Green for which they once received de minimis subsidy from Oxfordshire County Council. I wonder what the replacement bus service will be - if any?  The overall running time remains the same. The 800/850 is,for the most part, interworked with the 30 (Downley service) so any late running on the 800/850 means the Downley service is cut. Only 5 minutes is allowed between an arrival from Reading and a departure to Downley and we all know that any problem at Handy Cross roundabout causes chaos let alone any roadworks elsewhere. 

I have estimated that the Peak Vehicle Requirement for Arriva's High Wycombe depot is now 30 Mondays to Fridays schooldays - less on non-schooldays compared with 65 in 2001 and that EXCLUDED any operation on the Tfl route U9. 

When the new Cressex Depot was developed for Arriva by Wycombe District Council who needed to relocate them from Newland, Arriva insisted they needed a depot with a capacity for 80 buses. What a comedown! 

Looking at the new schedules it appears Carousel now have a PVR of 30 including 2 minibuses on contracts and excluding the Pick Me Up vehicles. Carousel will interwork their 41 to Great Missenden with local route 39 to Hicks Farm Rise which will no longer serve the Wingate Avenue/Hillary Road loop - this is what London Country North West did years ago. 

Years ago I can remember sitting with the late Frank Hinchey in his office at Newlands Bus Station when it was Wycombe Bus discussing the Wycombe network with him and he was very pro-active like Reg Murray at London Country's Amersham garage. 

Nowadays it seems that someone at Arriva's Thurmaston offices -  miles away  - makes decisions and I bet they know nothing or next to nothing about the local area yet determine which routes and where/when they operate by looking at on bus receipts which fails to tell the whole story. 

I cannot understand why so much dead mileage is nowadays operated e.g. 2 dead runs to Reading in the morning and the number of dead runs between Aylesbury and High Wycombe and vice versa and there are many more. People will not travel by bus if they cannot get a return journey later. 

Over the years when I was a Councillor I conducted a number of on bus surveys and, at that time, prevented many evening and Sunday services being withdrawn but more recently, in February 2017, on two consecutive cold nights surveyed Arriva's route 74 19.30 High Wycombe to Slough and the 20.30 return and then the following night the 20.30 route 74 High Wycombe to Slough and the 21.30 return.

On the first night, a total of 50 passengers were carried of whom 36 were travelling to/from work, 2 from college, 9 for leisure purposes and 3 shopping and 31 were in receipt of a weekly or monthly ticket, 5 had a day ticket, 1 a student pass, 8 paid for a single or return ticket and 5 had free passes. 

The second night on the last buses there were 34 passengers of whom 30 were travelling to/from work and 4 for leisure purposes - 26 had monthly or weekly tickets, 5 had day tickets, 2 paid on the bus and there was 1 free pass. 

Needless to say, Arriva abandoned route 74 entirely - a route which route 441 had, in the main, previously covered and was a very busy route in its time.      

A fresh look at Buckinghamshire bus services is long overdue if Buckinghamshire Council wishes to achieve its aim of encouraging more people to travel by public transport.

Ensignbus Heritage Bus Running Day 2022 - London Bus Museum

Andrew Webb

Ensignbus' annual Running Day took place on 3rd December with 24 of the company's heritage fleet joined by 5 visiting buses to operate a network of 4 routes plus some local tours around the Lakeside shopping centre in Thurrock. 

Cloud laden skies meant that the day was dull. 

Brightening up Lakeside was this unique Leyland Olympian preserved in the livery of Capital Citybus. 

It was the only all Leyland Olympian to be built with dual doors, being initially used as a demonstrator when delivered in 1991 before passing to Capital Citybus and then First upon their takeover of the company. 

Single deck contemporary of the Olympian was the Leyland Lynx, a replacement for the ubiquitous Leyland National.  When Volvo took over Leyland the Lynx was phased out in favour of the Volvo B10M. 

This preserved example started life with Transdev Keighley & District
before transferring to Hertfordshire to work with fellow Transdev company Sovereign in who's livery it now operates.
Steamed up windows mask a capacity load at Lakeside, readying for a trip to Upminster on route X55.

A previous generation of Leyland is represented by this Roe bodied
Atlantean which served with London Country. 
This NBC subsidiary was active in the
Thurrock area, although the 'Stevenage Bus' branding carried reflects the time this bus spent ferrying passengers around Hertfordshire. 

Despite London Transport taking well over 1000 examples, the MCW Metrobus is relatively rare in preservation, seemingly overlooked by preservationists in favour of the iconic Routemaster. 

M1440, the last of the standard Metrobuses delivered new to London Transport, has survived
and shows off the livery it would have carried in the early years of its career.

Operating vintage buses requires great skill and patience and is inevitable that breakdowns will occur.  This fate befell London Bus Company's SM1, a Marshall bodied AEC Swift, which failed with an oil leak at Upminster whilst working route X21.

Ensignbus' impressive Volvo recovery truck was on hand to return the bus home,
 seen awaiting departure from Upminster as night draws in. 

Doyen of the class, delivered to London Transport in November 1969, this is probably not the first time it has met a tow truck given the reputation for unreliability that the class had during the 1970s. 

Complementing the four routes was a series of tours around Lakeside, including this Duple bodied Bedford WTB dating from 1938. 
Part of the Ensignbus fleet, it is painted in the livery of Underwood of

Ensignbus operate virtually all regular services serving Lakeside, with First Essex operating just the 100 from the shopping centre to Basildon. 

Amongst the vehicles in use on 3 December was this Enviro 400 which has been painted in NBC Green with Eastern National fleet names and cast number and depot plate. 

The registration is a tell tale sign that the bus started life with JP Travel in Manchester before passing to Ensignbus who operated it on a competitive X1 route to Basildon, seen at Lakeside 10 years ago on 1 December 2012.  It was then sold by Ensignbus' famous dealership to First.

Another bus to operate with JP Travel, Ensignbus and First is this Enviro 400.  On 1 December 2012 it is seen at Lakeside with a journey on route X1 to Basildon.

On 3 December this year it was continuing to ply between the same two places,
but now earning its keep with First who have turned it out in this rainbow livery to celebrate the LBTQ+ community in Essex. 

Other contributors add to this report

Adam Green

Ensign Running day Saturday 3rd December 2022 when I visited the depot.


Adam's picture of FXT 219 is RT 44.

Gavin Francis

Picture locations were Upminster, Lakeside, Dartford River Crossing, Bluewater, Tilbury Ferry and Grays Bus Station.


My rides were: 

X55 Upminster to Lakeside on Ensign 192 Mark II Metrobus.

X55 Lakeside to Bluewater on Sovereign Leyland Lynx G293KWY 

X55 Bluewater to Lakeside on RT 8 

X81 Lakeside to Tilbury Ferry on ex-Southend Astromega 245 

X81 Tilbury Ferry back to Lakeside again on the Astromega. 

X55 Lakeside back to Upminster on RTL 453.

Gary Seamarks

Batch from the Ensignbus running day from Sat 3/12/22, only able to get to Lakeside for a couple of hours, this is most of what was running at the time on the routes passing through, a 4th route was operating that did not go to Lakeside, vehicles were changed round a bit during the day, THX646S was spare and the recovery vehicle did not see any action while I was there, know other vehicles were put out later in the day. First Essex seemed to have entered into it by putting different types on the route from Basildon.


I am grateful to all these contributors for a very comprehensive selection. ED.

RM 2217

Arriva recently announced that they were to sell their heritage fleet and amongst the buses involved would be RM 2217.

This was the last standard length Routemaster built, the following Routemasters being RCL 2218 to RCL 2260 and then RML 2261 to RML 2760 through to the end of production.

RM 2217 entered service at Willesden Garage in 1965 but through overhauls by the mid 1980s it had to moved to Norwood Garage where between here and Brixton Garage it has spent the rest of its life.

RM 2217 stands in Terminus Place, Victoria Station on 29th April 1986
Photograph: Paul Bateson

In 1994 it was repainted in a special livery of red and cream for use on Route 159.

By 2001 a major overhaul programme was being carried out on Routemasters and RM 2217 went to Enfield Garage to be refurbished including the fitting of a Cummins Engine and Allison Gearbox.

RM 2217 at the Oxford Circus terminal on 27th April 2004, the route now ends at Marble Arch.

On 3rd September 2004 there was a Running Day at High Wycombe and RM 2217 was in attendance.

RM 2217 in Bowerdean Road and High Wycombe Bus Station recreating former Thames Valley routes 41 and 26A

In 2005 RM 2217 was wrapped for a tour promoting Harry Potter films to give the appearance of a triple decker.

RM 2217 stands at Wisley Airfield on 3rd April 2005 wrapped for Harry Potter.

The last day of Routemaster normal service operation was set for 9th December 2005 and on the previous day RM 2217 was at The London Transport Museum, Covent Garden promoting the 2 Heritage Routemaster services which were due to start.

RM 2217 stands outside the Museum at Covent Garden on 8th December 2005

The following day was the final day of Routemaster operation on the 159 and RM 2217 played its part in being one of the last buses back to the depot.

RM 2217 enters Brixton Garage after its final run.

All the buses off the 159 were then moved to Brixton Tram Shed just along the road from Brixton Garage for safe storage.

RM 2217 enters Brixton Tram Shed still with a Police escort.

From time to time it was used on special in service trips and on 15th March 2019 it was used on Route 2.

RM 2217 stands outside Marylebone Station whilst operating a Special Service on Route 2.

To mark the end of its ownership of RM 2217 it was used for a final time on Route 137 on 2nd December 2022 when it operated  3 round trips.

It’s 11.00 and RM 2217 has just arrived at Marble Arch at the end of its first trip of the day.

The other Arriva Routemaster is RMC 1464 seen here at Imberbus on 20th August 2022.

So the end of 57 years of plying the streets of London but no doubt it will reappear at rallies and running days with a new owner.

Adam Green visited Bedford




Kassam move

PLANS for Oxford United to leave the Kassam Stadium for a new home at Stratfield Brake appear to have been scrapped, with new proposals to move the club to a new home between Oxford and Kidlington. 

     Fleet News and developments   

The latest fleet list is at the link below:

Arriva fleet lists/ASE Fleet P11.xlsx

This shows that the latest arrival at Wycombe, 3986 is to be renumbered 2139.

Gavin Francis

Variety working the 280 on November 30th in St Aldates - 4400, 5464 and 5466.

Jack Cooper

Citaro 3924 retaiins the old MAX livery when working an 800 service in Reading on November 29th.

Mike Penn

The number of Arriva Plaxton Pointer bodied Darts still running at Luton has increased by one this week with the acquisition of 1616 (GN04UDK) from Arriva Kent & Surrey. 

It was photographed this morning on the 28 in Toddington Road. 

Jack Cooper

On Tuesday, November 29th it was Reading,


Jack Cooper

869 / 870 had transferred from Carousel to Thames yesterday and were both out in service yesterday. I am yet to get a photo of 870 in service at Thames however I did manage 869 on the 95. Both Citaros were on the X32 today. 

938 and 940 have moved back to Carousel. 

Gavin Francis

Volvo Wright Eclipse Gemini livery variety on November 30th.

It still seems odd to see a 400 going to Harcourt Hill.

The 46 seems to be doing well with 515 above on November 30th and 599. No news regarding the new bus to replace 599.

Heading in the opposite direction, 611 turns into St Aldates with a 400 service.

Seen in St Aldates 654 and 657 are working 5 road.

663, 664 and 902 are working the X3. The three 90* buses are often working the BV service at present.

The 4A and X1 are interworked as shown by 661, 670 and 672.

684 and 685 are seen working 15 road but I have been unable to find out what is keeping 688 off the road.

Citaro 846 works the 11X whilst ex Carousel 963 continues its training role with Oxford Bus.

Jack Cooper

I think this week will be the most pictures I have sent over to you in a while? I have been off this week so have been going to a variety of places.  On Friday I had stayed more local, Oxford then Didcot going via Wallingford.

229 is seen working the X39 in Reading on November 29th.

252 seen in The High with an X40 on December 2nd.

253 also in Wallingford with an X40 in December 2nd.

305 with a 5A and 306 with an X3 both in The High on December 2nd.

311 with a U5 in St Aldates on November 30th.



On Saturday, December 3rd 670 operated the 300 and 656 did the 11X.  

Jack Cooper

Tourismo 30 seen at Heathrow Central Bus Station on November 30th

Gavin Francis

213 seen in St Aldates working the X32.

867 is working the 33 in Oxford.

873 and 875 are both working the 63 on November 30th.

Jack Cooper

869 / 870 had transferred from Carousel to Thames yesterday, and were both out in service yesterday. I am yet to get a photo of 870 in service at Thames however I did manage 869 on the 95. Both Citaros were on the X32 today. 

869 now at Thames Travel.

938 and 940 have moved back to Carousel. 

As promised I have got pictures of some of the Thames B9s on the Polar Express service.

923, 924, 925 and 926 in Didcot on December 2nd.

944 was also used to work The Polar Express

206 and 231 are seen working the 23 and 32 in Didcot on December 2nd.

441, 442 and 623 in Didcot.

Citaro variety on December 2nd.


On Saturday, December 3rd the X32 operated with two loaned buses from Carousel which were  869 and 870 which both used to be Oxford Bus Company! 

869 and 870 seen on December 3rd working for Thames Travel. 

Gavin Francis

Levante 217 working the 400 past Marble Arch on December 2nd.

Clarkes BF67WJO seen at Bluewater on December 3rd.

Weavaway YN72ZXY works the 540 at Marble Arch.

Jack Cooper

Levante III BF68LFA in Southampton on November 28th. 

including Courtney, Newbury & District & Thames Valley

Jack Cooper

On Tuesday, November 29th it was Reading,


Reading has a very colourful fleet which is always turned out in excellent condition. 

Andy Churchill

On order for Witney depot are 15 ADL E40D 10.9m Smart Hybrid/ E400MMC N47/29F and will be numbered thus 11747-11761 which will replace current MMCs 11233-11253 which will be cascaded elsewhere. 

Scania / E400 15830 has returned to Oxford and has been repainted into new local livery .

Gavin Francis

10071 with a 10, 10438 with a 1, 10669 with an 8 and 10674 working the S9,

10903 with an S9, 12012 with a 10, 15756 with the 10 and 15933 working the 1.

Ciaran Bird

Recently, Stagecoach Oxford has seen Gold branded ADL Enviro400 MMC 10903 (YX67 VBM) on loan from Cheltenham, presumably to help vehicle numbers. I was lucky enough to see it at Chipping Norton outstation one morning, so I couldn't help but to have a go in it. 

It's definitely my favourite MMC to drive so far, with a smooth acceleration and good top end performance. One thing I wasn't expecting but was pleasantly surprised to see was the stop-start feature when the doors are open, once the handbrake is applied. 

10903 seen at Cornish Road on an S3 service bound for Oxford (Monday 5th Dec)

and seen at Horspath Road Depot ready to head back out into service (Wednesday 7th Dec)

Jack Cooper

10672 and 10442 both in The High on December 2nd.

James Lambeth

Gold 10903 working the 14A at Oxford Station on November 28th.


On Saturday, December 3rd evening 10903, loaned from Cheltenham, operating the 1 after being in Oxford for six days.

After many months out of service 15830 has returned after repaint seen above at Horspath on December 3rd. 

Gavin Francis

Panorama 50438 turns into Speedwell Street on November 30th.

Newly arrived 50446 is seen in Bayswater Road, London on December 2nd.

Graham Low

Here are nearside snaps in the sun today at Thornhill of 50446. It's odd that the side branding has gone but the remaining rear lettering must mystify motorists! The final destination on the rear display is a new feature here, I think. Only publish if they are really of interest!

50446 at Thornhill on December 6th.

Jack Cooper

50448 in The High on December 2nd which so far continues to carry full 6 cities branding. 

     London operations    


Gavin Francis

Arriva LT962 with a wrap at Marble Arch working the 137 on December 2nd.

Golden Tours LF20AXG and City Sightseeing 15116 and 19131 all seen at Marble Arch.

Metroline LT763 and LT764 at Marble Arch working the 390.

Attain AT19TEN passing Marble Arch on December 2nd. 

Jack Cooper

On Wednesday it was London.

Regent Street with Christmas decorations and a selection of Go Ahead London on November 30th.

Metroline VWH2385 in Regent Street and WHD2711 in Oxford Street on November 30th.

James Freeman

Delivery run for RATP BCE47162 heading for London along the M40 at Wheatley on December 6th. 

Grahame Wareham

Herewith my input for issue 231, unfortunately I only have the two attached images to send you but hopefully you may have others of its transfer to Wycombe Bus and subsequently Arriva.

Regarding your comment on 229's decapitation, yes this could be a likely story but at the time it was kept quite quiet and even I didn't know it had happened until I had to give Mainline an official order number for the repairs! There were quite a few things that happened in Wycombe Bus that they tried to keep from Oxford's ears..................usually unsuccessfully!  We didn't miss much!

231 G231VWL was delivered to Oxford Bus in March 1990 without fleet names which were added immediately on arrival at Cowley Road 231 was converted to single door as H46/30F in October 1995.and was then transferred to Arriva The Shires, and renumbered 5831 with the sale of Wycombe Bus on 13/12/2000.


5831 G231VWL was repainted in turquoise/cream allocated to Wycombe in January 2001 and then in April 2005 was transferred to Luton-Dunstable. In October 2011 it was reported that 5831 had been sold to Wootten’s Chesham although no further comment was made on this since that company's demise.

Gavin Francis

........ provides pictures of the current 231 bwtqwwn 2010 and 2020 :






James Allum

I've recently moved up to a small village outside Durham so am getting used to the workings and many of the colourful offerings from Arriva and Go North East up here.  

One that stands out for me is this lovely Arriva Durham based Wright Pulsar 1532 MX12 KWO which is adorned in the Merry Christmas from Arriva garb which makes this already smart livery a bit brighter! 


APPEAL: I’m after as many photos as possible of buses in Hemel for my own personal album that I’m putting together as I dearly miss the South. Please can any readers email me at: with any photos and they can literally be any buses and taken at any date!

Thank you all in advance. 

Ian Hardy

Some clarifications to the comments in the article about Watford by Gavin Francis

Currently it is operated by LU from Borehamwood Depot and when it switches to Metroline I guess it will be run out of Edgware Garage by Metroline. 

London Sovereign (and not London United) run the 142 from their part of Edgware Garage, which retains the BT code as the operation was originally Borehamwood Travel Services (BTS) that was based in Borehamwood. The BTS depot at Borehamwood was right next to Elstree & Borehamwood station but closed in 1999 (and is now blocks of flats) after London Sovereign had bought BTS and moved the operation to Edgware. The 142 will move into the Metroline part of Edgware garage (coded EW) on 7th January 2023 and is due to get StreetDeck Electroliners eventually. 

There are 4 Mullanys Buses Electric Harry Potter buses, which are operated by Mullany’s on behalf of National Express Travel Solutions who won the new Harry Potter contract, which was originally operated by Mullany’s directly. The buses are numbered in the National Express West Midlands series between the first batch of BYDs for Coventry E020 – E029 and the second batch of BYDs E034 – E163, see extract from 






Alexander Dennis H39/26F








Alexander Dennis H39/26F


Lucy Abigail






Alexander Dennis H39/26F








Alexander Dennis H39/26F


Sarah Myfanwy






Alexander Dennis H39/26F








Alexander Dennis H39/26F








Alexander Dennis H39/26F


Gemma Lou






Alexander Dennis H39/26F








Alexander Dennis H39/26F


Beverley Jean






Alexander Dennis H39/26F



Mullany, Watford





Alexander Dennis H39/26F



Mullany, Watford





Alexander Dennis H39/26F



Mullany, Watford





Alexander Dennis H39/26F



Mullany, Watford





Alexander Dennis H39/26F








Alexander Dennis H39/26F


Anna Faith






Alexander Dennis H39/26F



Julian Walker

 Gavin Francis mentioning the Harry Potter electric buses during his recent visit to Watford.  

A free shuttle service operates between Watford Junction Station and the Harry Potter Studio Tour at Leavesden. Four new battery-electric BYD D8UR/ADL Enviro400 City EV entered service in May this year, replacing the diesel vehicles previously used on the service. The vehicles are actually owned by National Express Transport Solutions (NETS) and are numbered in the National Express sequence; however operation of the service is sub-contracted to Mullany's Coaches and the vehicles are garaged at Mullany's premises in Watford.   

The vehicles are: 

E030 - LG22 AYA
E031 - LG22 AYB
E032 - LG22 AYC
E033 - LG22 AYD 

Although I normally dislike bus windows being obscured by contravision, on the shuttle passengers are treated to a short film during the fifteen-minute journey to get them in the mood for their Harry Potter experience. I doubt they would be very interested in suburban Watford!  

Julian Walker

Route 240A

I was interested to see the item in the November 23rd edition of OCBP, regarding the recreation of route 240A - not least because I grew up near Edgware so it was a route I was familiar with. The 240A was actually the last route to be operated by the TD class, and was converted to RF operation on 10th October 1962.  

Unusually for a London Transport bus route, rail tickets were accepted on the 240 and 240A for several years. The London North Eastern Railway closed its branch line between Finsbury Park and Edgware in 1939 to allow it to be incorporated into the Underground's Northern Line. Initially a rail replacement bus service was put on. By May 1941 the Underground had opened as far as Mill Hill East, to serve a nearby barracks; the rest of the work was halted due to the Second World War and rail ticket acceptance on buses between Mill Hill East and Edgware was agreed. After the War the rest of the railway works were abandoned and rail ticket acceptance remained in place for many years, with some season tickets still being accepted in 1969.  

The TD class itself was a stopgap. Although London Transport was developing its own single deck design, the RF, it had a desperate need to replace worn-out vehicles after the Second World War and purchased 132 Leyland Tigers in 1949, thirty-two with Mann-Egerton bodywork and the rest with Weymann bodies.  

The attached photo is of TD 95 (JXC288), a Mann-Egerton bodied example. This vehicle resides at the London Bus Museum at Brooklands in Surrey and is seen here at the Fulwell Garage "Trolleybus 50" event on 10th May 2012. 

Michael Penn

With regard to your photograph of Centrebus FE12LKL at Leighton Buzzard I’m not sure what you mean by Centrebus first local workings for a good few year.  Yes, their first route in Leighton Buzzard, but they have plenty of other workings not far away – Luton, Dunstable, Stevenage, Hitchin, Hemel Hempstead, St. Albans to name a few.  Also the route is actually 36C.  It started in 2008 with two different variations – the 36C which went clockwise round the loop and 36A which went anti-clockwise.  These routes were run by Grant Palmer using two Plaxton Primos bought new – YN 08 NLE and YN 08 NLF.  Subsequently the two routes were merged with the 36A number being discarded. 

Photos are attached of the two taken soon after the start in May 2008.  These two Primos strayed on to other routes at times – the third photo shows YN08NLE on the 44 at Bedford in June 2019 after a repaint in the later Grant Palmer livery, having gained fleet number 108.


Tony Bungay

No photo contribution for a change! Although I am sure you have had plenty. I expect you have already heard, but in case not First are pulling out of Southampton. Does make you wonder what the real state of Bus and indeed Rail transport is in!

Only glancing the article I saw, it did seem that First had been gradually cutting back over time, and by some irony seems to mirror what happened with First in Northampton a number of years ago now! 

Southampton with Jack Cooper on November 28th.

Since my visit to Southampton on Monday, First have announced their intention to close their Southampton depot, and withdraw all of their routes from the depot. This is to come into effect from the 19th February 2023. I have found a Tweet from Coach & Bus Week on Twitter about it -" / Twitter. I have read somewhere that Bluestar intends to replace the routes First currently operate, however I cannot remember where I had read it. It won't be the first time that Go South Coast has replaced the routes of another operator, with More having replaced the operations of Yellow Buses earlier this year. 




As readers will see there is quite a variety in Southampton. Ed. 


Purfleet in November as follows 

From Brighton and Hove : Merc Citaros BD57WDE / WDP / WDT  / BP57UYF / BL57OXM 

From RATP London : Scania YT59RXS / YT10UWG / XBW / XBX 

From First Eastern Counties : Volvo B7TL’s YJ51RDU / RAU. 

From Metroline : E400s SN12DHD / DHE 

From Go Ahead London : Dart SN54GRK 

From Stagecoach South West : Tridents WA05MGU / MGV  KN04XJJ / XJK / XJM  KX55TLN / TLU new to SC Oxford  WJ55NLZ 

From First Essex : Trident LK53EZD  Volvo B7RLEs MX05CCF / KX05MJY / MX05CDY  Volvo B7TL YJ05VWG 

From First Eastern Counties : Dart EU05AUN 

From First Halifax : Volvo B7TL YJ54XVB.


Trident VX54MTY : First Bus Stop, Gravesend. 

Scania CN57BKJ : Fourways, Chelmsford. 

Volvo B7TL YJ54XVB : Hardwicks, Barnsley. 

E200s  LX11AWC / AWR : EP Training, Leatherhead. 

E200 OU08AYG : Avondale, Glasgow. 

Scania’s YT09ZCN / YT59RYG / RYH / FYX : Highlands Council. 

Scania K320’s JFZ7013 / 7023 : Igobus, Churchdown, Gloucs. 

Volvo B9TL’s LX59DBO / DBY / DAU : First Eastern Counties. 

Volvo B9R SF11FFW : New Adventure Travel, Cardiff. 

Mercedes Citaros BD57WDE / WDL / WDM / WDP / WDT / BP57UYF / BL57OXM : First Group. 

SP07FCY : Bus and Coach Repairs, Yaxley, Cambs. 

Volvo B9TL’s LK59CWU / CXC : First West Yorks. 

Volvo B9TL’s HF11HCP / HCX : Sharpes Coaches, Nottingham. 

Volvo B9TL LK59FCX : First Devon and Cornwall 

The following all to Shelton Motors for scrap : 

Tridents VX54MTZ  LT02ZCA  LT52WXK

Volvo B7TLs YJ51RDU / YJ51RAU / YJ05VWG / KP51WBJ    B7RLE’s MX05CCF / CDY / KX05MJY

Darts KX06JYK / JYS    SN54CRK  EU05AUN