Christmas Eve, December 24th 2022

Happy Christmas and a good New Year to all my readers


I find it hard to realise that 2022 is nearly  over and the next Weekly Briefing nr 234 will be the first for 2023 !  So this is the final issue for 2022, a total of equals 48 out of a possible 52.

I wish thank all my contributors without whom the OCBP would and will  not be possible.

Some interesting articles this week include the LT 227 Running Day, Arriva's old 91 route relived in Woking and Guildford, more thoughts regarding bus services in Buckinghamshire and an update on the Botley Road closure.

We have a visit to Maidenhead and the ending of the Diamond 250 early next year.

Amongst other operators Reading and Stagecoach are offering the £2 maximum fare recently announced.

The monthly SC West changes from Dave & Deric are recorded plus branding new appearing on Oxford tube coaches celebrating its Gold Winner award.

Grahame Wareham continues the story with Oxford's 233 and we have another report from James Allum in Durham.

Ensign Dealers have supplied their December dealings.

The next issue will be on Wednesday, January 4th 2023. 

Route 227 Running Day December 18th. 2022 from Gavin Francis


Gavin writes - Last Sunday the annual Route 227 Running Day was held and as this was another event I had never been to I decided to have a day out. It turned out to be one of the coldest and then wettest days it could have been possible to have held such an event.

I drove to Hillingdon and parked there and then used The Underground to Victoria and South Eastern to Bromley South.

It was still very dark when I arrived at about 09.10 but parked outside was Go-Ahead EN 1 on a rail replacement service.

EN 1 waits outside Bromley South Station before its next run.

As I had plenty of time I decided to walk to Bromley North Station and on the way was approached by Bus Stop LX53JZN. This was also operating the Rail Replacement Service.

This bus was former Stage 17970 which coincidentally had spent some of its life at the local garage at Bromley.

Bus Stop LX53JZN in Bromley Town Centre and also when a Stagecoach bus at Bromley North Station on 2nd September 2015

I arrived at Bromley North Station and the first bus due to arrive was DT 29 but I learnt during the day this bus and also RF 633 and RF 271 would not be running following various difficulties.

There was also a small Route 94 Running Day and RM 1993 was due to arrive next on that but instead RT 1702 arrived.

RT 1702 at Bromley North Station. This bus spent much of its life in South East London and is pictured here at Shoreditch on the 47 whilst operating from Catford Garage.

Seen at Aldenham on September 16th 1979.

The first RF at Bromley North was RF 392 from The London Bus Company. A small band of enthusiasts was waiting there to board.


RF 392 at Bromley North and also in service on Rte 211 to Hampton Station.

RM 1993 then did arrive on the 94. This bus is now in London bus red having spent many years in preservation in it’s former livery of Southampton 403.

RM 1993 arrives at Bromley North Station and also when it in the livery of Southampton 403 pictured at Wisley Airfield in 2005.

The next arrival was RF 486 and I decided it was time to go for a ride so got on board and rode as far as Penge High Street even though it was going on to Crystal Palace. It carried a very good load all the way with many passengers boarding rather than their usual Streetlite and commented how nice it was to ride on an old bus. The route passes through Beckenham and with Christmas traffic and shoppers it was a bit slow going.

Arrived at Penge High Street and by now it was raining.

RF 486 unloads at Penge High Street and new passengers board for Crystal Palace.

Whilst RF 486 loads it is overtaken by WS 123 the normal service bus.

WHV 192 passes through Penge wearing its ‘Let’s do London’ Xmas livery

The final RF I saw was RF 406, there was another RF out which was RF 368 which I was never in quite the right place to get a picture of.

Last arrival at Penge for me was RF 406.

By this time with the weather conditions and the amount of traffic timetables had gone out of the window and at one time there were 3 RFs at Penge. It was also now an opportunity for crews to take a lunch break. 

RF 486 takes a break at Penge.

RF 486 and RF 406 both on crew break at Penge.

By now it had become really cold and wet and I decided to call it a day. My plan was to get a Route 227 up the hill to Crystal Palace.

Andrew Webb

A small running day centered around Bromley on December 17th provided one of the final opportunities of 2022 to ride on classic London buses over a network of three routes.  Sole double decker was RT1702 seen here approaching Bromley South whilst recreating former route 94 between Catford and Petts Wood. 

The prolonged cold weather meant 2 RFs and a DT class Dart were unable to safely leave their bases to join the day.  Four other RFs did make it out to run extras on route 227 between Bromley North and Crystal Palace, supplementing the regular allocation of Wright Streetlites operated by Go Ahead.  With enthusiastic conductors calling out the service at each stop the RFs carried good loads of regular passengers who were out and about and were very happy to see these classic buses ply their trade once again. 

RF392 from the London Bus Company ran a lunchtime 'short' from Bromley North to Penge Crooked Billet where the crew took a meal relief. 

It is seen readying for departure from Bromley North and again on the stand at Penge.

Later in the afternoon preserved RF486 is seen passing Penge whilst heading for Crystal Palace.

Arriva Route 91 between Guildford and Woking

Peter Cartwright

An early start on a cold winter's Sunday morning is not something I often do but today 4 Dennis Darts were operating over former Arriva Route 91 between Guildford and Woking.

I travelled down from the Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire border in one of the Darts to  operate from Guildford to Woking at 09.00. Fortunately we were able to get a hot coffee before setting out.

It was only last December that Arriva closed its Leas Road, Guildford depot so heads turned to see two Darts formerly based at Guildford make a reappearance.

I was not expecting a great turnout because of the weather but I was pleasantly surprised and met a lot of people I knew as well as many new faces including two youngsters here from Uzbekistan - my first encounter with anyone from that country.

The four Dennis Darts left Woking at 15.30 for the final journey to Guildford arriving at 16.15. A most enjoyable day and thanks to the younger enthusiasts for organising it.  

This photo is the one I travelled in to/from the event waiting to depart on the 09.00 from Guildford to Woking 

Middle photo shows the one painted by Arriva in special livery to commemorate, in 2012 ,

100 years since Aldershot & District was established and was once the major operator in and around Guildford . A most dismal day weather wise.

This third photo shows three of the four Darts lined up getting ready for the 15.30 departure from Woking to Guildford in pouring rain.

It would soon be dark as we approach the shortest day of the year.

Our next local Bus Running Day is expected to be held on Sunday 2 April 2023 at High Wycombe when the 2 local Dennis Darts are expected to feature amongst many other types.  

More thoughts regarding services in Buckinghamshire by Peter Cartwright

It was interesting to read the defence mounted by Arriva's Toby France last week. Whilst I acknowledge that he will have great knowledge of his home area in Warwickshire, I remain to be convinced that his detailed knowledge and opportunities for improvements to bus services in and around Buckinghamshire is as great. 

I acknowledge that today's bus ticket machines provide detailed information about all passengers boarding , details of them alighting or why they are travelling can only be assumed. Surely a more ambitious approach is needed to grow the number of passengers not hasten a steady decline. Ir is evident that those employed in manufacturing has significantly declined in recent years and retail in the High Street no longer has the  same attraction as more and more people shop online, 

However, hospitality employs many in the local hotels as do care homes, medical facilities and colleges. The large retail outlets, mainly outside town centres employ many starting work early in the morning or working late at night and often they are not within walking distance of home. Too many children are transported to and from school by car whereas previously they would have walked or caught a bus. With an ageing population there is the opportunity to encourage them to take the bus for leisure. 

I know that bus drivers and controllers have made suggestions over the years as they have had enquiries from potential passengers but these seem to be ignored and they fail to comprehend how and why decisions are made, As someone involved with a number of local community groups, I get feedback on local services not from the comfort of an armchair but being proactive in the community. The feedback about local bus services is generally negative as so-called improvements are often reductions in frequency. 

Arriva seem to have dropped their Sapphire and Max brands so the offer is perceived to be downgraded. 

I and, I am sure, others would like Arriva to be more entrepreneurial and, for once, actively promote some new offerings and encourage passenger and service growth and reverse their downward spiral. 

The Red Group in the Aylesbury area have put Arriva on the defensive and have expanded greatly in recent years mostly at Arriva's expense,

Red Line's X20 between Aylesbury and Oxford has gained more and more passengers from Arriva's 280 which is showing unreliabilty and lost mileage. An hourly  X8  from Aylesbury to Oxford  would enable a Thame "short " to be cut every hour - that is if it is not curtailed or cut anyway, 

Red Line's 130 between Aylesbury and High Wycombe has stolen much of the traffic between these two towns as Arriva's response was again so late. Wycombe's residents have to go to Stoke Mandeville or Wexham Park Hospitals for A & E and possibly for further outpatient appointments and to park a car there is a nightmare. Hospital workers often work shifts and livening up dead journeys would, I am sure , be beneficial. There is NO bus service between Wycombe bus station and Wycombe Hospital and an extension of the X30/300 there from the bus station via Desborough Road, Suffield Hill and Queen Alexandra Road returning via the Abbey Way flyover would not only link the two hospitals   but generate more patronage at little cost.   

Arriva withdrew the only Aylesbury link with Milton Keynes on a Sunday - the 150 via Leighton Buzzard - which, I am told by drivers, took as much revenue if not more than a 280 Sunday duty. Surely that link needs reinstatement as an interurban link between these towns is needed. 

Toby dismisses the option on operating currently "dead" runs between High Wycombe and Reading in service as there is no demand . How does he know this for sure?  The first arrival at Reading is 6.54 - a bit late for anyone starting work ay 7 if nor before. The 800/850 routes carry many workers in the hospitality sector amongst others and Reading Station is a Gateway to the West. What research has ben undertaken to enable him to make such a statement. Later through journeys would make this service more attractive as Reading has much to offer in the evenings. 

The Elizabeth Line is now operational all the way to Reading yet no proposals have been forthcoming to provide a satisfactory bus link to it. 2023 will be Coronation year and I am sure this will encourage more visitors to places such as Windsor which is no longer connected to High Wycombe with a bus service - at one time up to 6 buses per hour. Firstgroup extended their service 4  from Frascati Way to Maidenhead Station  even though it parallels the Elizabeth Line but Arriva has done nothing - yet again. The 37 needs to be extended from windswept Frascati Way not just to Maidenhead Station but beyond via the fast A308 to Windsor which offers much to the visitor and is a far better destination than Maidenhead or the bleak and uninviting Slough. The cost of car parking in Windsor is extremely high and the attractiveness of a direct bus without having to change at Maidenhead or Slough with lovely views from the top deck would encourage patronage provided there was adequate promotion.  

Perhaps the latest promotion of a £2 maximum fare by HM Government albeit for three months will help to boost patronage. Who remembers such a scheme promoted by London Country each February in the past? 

Botley Road closure update

Bob Chalmers

Good to see the latest 'revised' changes have been announced for the 8th January 2023,  following the announcement that Botley Road will now not be closed to through traffic for the time being.

The biggest current problem seems to be with 'Cross city' route delays following the introduction of the LTN's (but that's another story) - and therefore the company has attempted to address the situation by changing some of the routes (13/35/4A/X1 in particular). 

I have recently followed selected X1/4A services on a Saturday afternoon, some seem to suffer badly due to traffic congestion in Oxford (and also Abingdon too). An 'on time' X1 from Wantage generally gets to Red Bridge Park & Ride on time - but then the problems set in. By the time it gets to St Aldates it's 10mins late (no major problem) - but then it turns into a 4A to Elms Rise/Botley - so by the time it reaches there, its 20mins late. By the time it gets back to St Aldates (to become an X1 again) - it's 30mins late. Then with traffic issues in Abingdon (since eased with the removal of traffic lights in Dunmore Road and on Abingdon Bridge), by the time it gets to Wantage it's now 35 mins late. With a 6/7 minute 'turn round' time, it's always going to be 25 minutes late at least heading back to Oxford. I believe similar issues are regular on the 13 service between Abingdon and Northway - reliability becomes ridiculous. 

The changes on the River Rapids services back to Thames Travel should help to ease up the driver shortages. There are generally 6 buses in service at at any one time on the X39/40 route and obviously many more drivers through the course of a day. Hopefully they can be redeployed to other Oxford services - unless the drivers are transferring to TT too? (Strange that TT never seem to have daily cancellations in the way that OBC do).

Recently, there seems to be much use of 'route branded' buses on lots of alternative routes apart from their designated ones - which adds plenty of unusual sightings all across Oxford. 

Jack Cooper

Botley Road closure (reported by Bob Chalmers)

With the suspension of the Botley Road closure which was meant to be taking place from January, it doesn't come to much of a surprise given that the new preparation work, in order to close the road hasn't taken place yet (such as the new turning circle on the West side of the Station). I have heard that these works will now take place in March, however we will have to wait and see if that happens!  

As a result of the Botley Road no longer being closed, the planned changes to Oxford Bus Company & Thames Travel have been amended, details can be found here -

A visit to Maidenhead

Kevin Fuller

Thames Valley 660, KX64AEG is an Alexander Dennis Enviro 200, seen working route 16 to Windsor, in Maidenhead High Street. 

Optare Solo SR, Thames Valley 191 works through Maidenhead towards Wexham Park Hospital on route 53, pausing for a driver change at Frascati Way. 

Also on Frascati Way, but on the opposite side of the road, Enviro 200 MMC, Thames Valley 668, YX17NXA is branded for the Foundation Park office shuttle.

Escaping from its branded 194 route in the Bracknell area, Thames Valley's Enviro 200 MMC 682 is seen at Frascati Way on Maidenhead local service 8 to Boulters Lock. 

Working another local service, Thames Valley 134 is a short ADL Enviro 200, collecting passengers for a 7 route working to Cox Green. 

Seen at Maidenhead Railway Station is First's 69389, a Volvo B7RLE / Wright Eclipse, picking up passengers for its next working towards Heathrow. 


Poor services in Buckinghamshire

Raymond Gingell

There are NO Bus Routes now from Beaconsfield Towards Amersham, you have to Go via High Wycombe, Gerrards Cross, Chalfonts or Denham. to go North, (Not Feasible), Also there is No cooperation On the 335 336 between Bucks and Herts. CC, and Why has the Red Rose 71 or 73 not been extended from Coleshill  to Beaconsfield.  The 103 is better though for onward Bus or Train journeys via Slough, it give's More Options.  Finally when First pulls out of Southampton in February 2023, who will take over the Management of First Berkshire and Thames Valley ?  

     Fleet News and developments   


Jack Cooper

4401 and 5465 seen in St Aldates on December 12th.

Neil Gow

Plaxton Centro bodied VDL 3812 has been in use since 24th November, as I pictured it in Berkhamsted on 2nd December. It does seem curious though that they haven’t given priority to repainting a vehicle in completely non-standard livery while giving preference to repainting vehicles in an older version of Arriva livery.

This was also noted by Christopher Davidson on 500 service 12th December

Nick Ross

Arriva Mercedes Sprinter BF67WGW /1020 in Storm advert livery looks good at Leighton Buzzard station with the D1 to Sandhills on December 6th 2022

Arriva Aylesbury Enviro 400 5459 at Leighton station with a 150 early on December 12th 2022

Nigel Peach

Arriva 3923 (BK58 URR), looking rather dirty, (not surprising with the recent weather), still showing branding for the 300, some years after its transfer to Wycombe, and also sounding rather ropey, on route 36 in Flackwell Heath on 19th December, displaying a Christmas tree as its route display.

3923 (BK58URR)

Shaun Tucker

Seen here in Hemel Hempstead the Arriva number 2 in Grovehill going to Woodhall Farm taken on the Wednesday 14th December 2022 

6524 in Hemel.

Shaun Tucker

Seen here in Hemel Hempstead  Barnett’s coaches on the Magic roundabout near the Town centre on the Wednesday 14th December 2022. 

Nick Ross

Centrebus Optare KX14 FHW in Wing Road, Linslade with a 36 local service on December 12th 2022. 

Jack Cooper

Diamond 250 

Diamond have announced that they are withdrawing the 250 from Saturday 11th February 2023

Service Cancellation | Diamond Bus (

From the 1st January until the 11th February, the 250 will have a timetable change, however the new timetable doesn't appear to be on their website currently.   

Jack Cooper provides two interesting pictures taken in Abingdon - certainly a different view.

359 and 942 provide a very different view on December 16th.

Scania 215 is now back in service at Wycombe. 


Jack Cooper

669 is seen in Magdalen Street East on December 12th.

Variety in St Aldates.

 Now in Westgate. 

 Lewis Hawkins

Oxford Bus Company with The Merry Christmas Blinds

368 Restore Bus working 13 and 674 at Abingdon bound for Wantage.

Other Christmas displays.


Thursday 15th, 669 and 679 both make an appearance on the 5 both heading to Blackbird Leys.

Both seen  at the Railway Station on December 15th.

251 on a unusual working seen at Park End Street heading to Wheatley with the 400 on December 20th.

666 seen working the 8 heading to Westgate at the Police Station. 

Jack Cooper

The Airline is very busy at present with all coaches including the Elites in regular use. 

Jack Cooper

was being used for route learning for the X39 / X40 at Thames Travel this week.


Lewis Hawkins

Photo of Thames Travel 908 with Merry Christmas Blinds  

including Courtney, Newbury & District & Thames Valley


Reading Buses today confirmed their involvement in a national government promotion to cap single bus fares at a maximum of £2 from January 1st.  

Starting on January 1 2023, and remaining in place until March 31 2023, one-way journeys across the Reading Buses, Thames Valley Buses, Green Line 702/703 and Newbury & District networks will cost no more than £2.  

The offer is open to adults, students and children alike with the only exception being dedicated school and football buses. 

The scheme will help families, commuters and other passengers save money this winter, backed by £60 million of government investment to cap single tickets at £2 from January 1 to March 31 2023 on over 130 bus companies across England. 

The scheme also seeks to encourage more commuters on buses and help to reduce emissions and congestion by taking an estimated 2 million cars off the roads. 

Said Robert Williams, Chief Executive Officer: “We are delighted to be able to bring this scheme to our network, complementing the great value fares we already have in place. It is a real opportunity for those who perhaps would not have previously considered the bus to give it a try, especially on longer distance routes like Green Line 702 to London where the savings are the largest. 

“The £2 fare will be available to purchase in advance on our app, or directly from the driver. In certain circumstances during this promotion it may be that two single tickets provide better value than a return ticket, but depending on travel plans period tickets may still be the best choice.” 

The Reading Buses, Thames Valley Buses, Green Line 702 and Newbury & District apps can be used to find things to do, plan journeys, buy tickets and check live bus times on the day.

Gavin Francis

A change working the 40, YX10BGV pauses at Stokenchurch on December 23rd. 

Dave & Deric

The large amount of snow we had last Sunday caused quite a bit of disruption to local bus services. We gather the S2 had fun and games between Witney and Cheltenham, though most journeys did operate, albeit a little late! 

This is our summary of the Period 8 Stagecoach West changes: 





Oxford (See below)















Cheltenham (Driver Trainer)

(See note below)


























Out of Reserve






To Reserve






























For Disposal










































North Bristol








These are the other changes we have found relating to the Stagecoach Oxford Fleet 

Acquired Vehicles


Stagecoach East Scotland












Oxford (see above)






Out of Reserve











To Reserve





These changes are due to the November service changes at Gloucester and Cheltenham to combat the driver shortage. As you can see, most changes are at Cheltenham. We are not sure whether 10903 is a permanent transfer to Oxford or not, as it was originally intended for it to go to Swindon with 10904/05. At the moment, 27555 is a paper transfer as the conversion to driver trainer hasn’t yet been carried out. This is an additional conversion to 27554 (completed) and 27553 (which is currently being converted). 

The transfer of E200 to Stroud should mean that all of the Pointer Darts at Stroud have been replaced, though in reality some of the “Reserve” ones are still in use.

Jack Cooper

10904 has been appearing on the S6 the past couple of days, unfortunately I haven't got a picture of it yet! This does mean that of the batch of 4 MMC's (10902 - 10905), 3 have now actually worked a service into Oxford, where they were intended for! 10905 having spent a bit of time on loan to Oxford in around 2018 if memory serves me right!   

Andy Churchill

10903 is proving to be a bit elusive and I saw it last week in the workshop having some attention but it had still its Gloucestershire o licence and legal lettering and had only been on loan from Cheltenham and Oxford should have had three on loan but only ended up with one the other two 10904/10905 which are on loan at Swindon it had only stayed for only 14 days and I have not seen it since and the tracking shows it to be at Cheltenham ! and the Van hools 50233/50235/50237/50248/50250 have all been sold and are being prepared for collection this week they are heading for Yorkshire .

10903 will stay a bit longer now at Oxford and so the legal details have now been altered to the Oxford licence it is currently on the S3 .

Jack Cooper

I have noticed 10903 no longer has 'on loan to Thames Transit' on a piece of paper in a window anymore, so perhaps it now has the correct legals for Stagecoach Oxford?  (See above Ed.)

10903 seen working the 8 in St Aldates on December 12th.

Magdalen Street East with 10435 and a sickly 15767 on December 12th.

Jack Cooper

10877 passes along Magdalen Street West heading for Bedford with an X5 on December 12th.

Andy Churchill

Oxford tube coaches are in the process of getting stickers on the front panel celebrating the uk bus awards top express coach operator and the first noted so far is 50422 .

Picture of 50426 on December 21st.

50447 has not seen service in Oxford seen above on December 16th.

Andrew Webb

Oxford Tube 50426 braves the cold weather at Marble Arch on 17 December.  The low temperature means the framework of the lower deck is clearly visible under the bodywork.

50426 in London prior to the new branding application on December 17th.

Gavin Francis

Diverted through Stokenchurch on December 23rd due to heavy traffic along the M40, 50426 shows the Bus Awards branding front and back.

James Freeman

50442 heads for London with a nice Christmas blind on  December 16th.

Steve Knight

You may have already picked up on this but Van Hool 50261 has recently been placed into service in the Joint Venture fleet with Stagecoach East Scotland at Perth.

Not such good news for 50270/73 which as far as I am aware have remained parked up since their transfer north from Oxford and have now been formally withdrawn by Stagecoach East Scotland and are now awaiting disposal.

Nick Ross

Z & S have operated the Bucks CC supported L.Buzzard - Aylesbury - Stoke Mandeville via Wing , Cublington and Wingrave for many years now.

Here Enviro OU12 CZW climbs Wing Hill out of Leighton on a foggy, chill December 9th 2022. 

     London operations    

Andrew Webb

Tech firm Lenovo launched an overall advert campaign this week highlighting their efforts to make computing more environmentally friendly. 

RATP's BCE47026 at Oxford Circus and Metroline's VWH2306 at St Paul's illustrate the different designs sighted so far. 

Metroline's VWH2329 has gained an advert for Ami.  As rain and warmer air gets to work on the previous week's snow
it is seen at Golders Green whilst working route 460.

The Christmas lights in central London offer opportunities for the sightseeing operators to give tourists a view of the displays.

Tootbus' VXE734 has gained seasonal embellishments as it awaits custom under the lights near Piccadilly Circus. 

VLE618 has been fitted out as the 'London Bar Bus' and gained this black and whiteversion of the Union Jack livery.
It is seen near Piccadilly Circus.

David Gray

Thought you might be interested in this:

I attach a photo of ALD 941B taken outside Waterloo railway station this morning.
It was most recently operated by Stagecoach but earlier in its career it was operated by both Kelvin Scottish and Cumberland. 

Grahame Wareham

Even thinner on the ground for 233 images and I've had to ask Andy Hamer to provide the necessary for this one, so the attached image is his copyright. 

Thame on August 9th 1995.

Delivered in March 1990 233 was registered G233VWL and was received without fleet names which were added before entry into service. 

In October 1995 it had the centre exit removed and converted to H47/30F being transferred to Wycombe Bus

233 was transferred to Arriva The Shires, and renumbered 5833 with the sale of Wycombe Bus on 13/12/2000. 

Arriva Shires 5833 G233VWL repainted in turquoise/cream in August 2001 and allocated to Wycombe; In July 2003 it was transferred to Aylesbury and in March 2004 was withdrawn and sold to Simmonds of Iver. I have seen no further evidence to show whether Simmonds operated it but they may have purchased it for scrap. Compared with the rest of this batch it was an early withdrawal so may have suffered accident damage of some sort. Any pictures would be most welcome.

Malcolm Crowe

In Newlands, Wycombe 233 with Wycombe Bus in 2000. 


James Allum


Some colourful variety here between Arriva North East, Go North East and Gateshead Taxis buses.

A variety of Arriva vehicles in Durham.

A variety of Go Ahead North East vehicles in Durham.


Two of the company buses in Durham.

Fleet list – Gateshead Central Taxis –

December Sales Listing from Ross Newman



From Cardiff Bus : Scanias CN57BKE / BKU / FGA


From First Halifax : Volvo B7TL’s WX56HJZ / YJ06XLM / YJ04FZL / YJ04FZT / FZX / YJ54XTT


From RATP London : Scania’s YT10UWH / XBU / XBV / XBY.


From First Essex : Volvo B7RLE MX05CFK.


From Metroline : E400s SN12EHF / EHG / EHH / EHJ / EHK / EHP / HER / EHS / EHT / EHV / EHW / EGY / EGZ   SN62AAF / AAK / AAD / AAV.


From Nottingham City Transport : Scania’s YT61GOJ / YT11LTF


From Rotala : Scania’s YT13HKY / YN63BYP/BYO.




Volvo B9TLs LK59CWN / CWP / CWV / CWX / CXG / FCP / FCU : First West Yorkshire.


Volvo B9TL’s LX59DAO / DBU / DBV : First Eastern Counties .


Volvo B9TL LK59FCY : First Devon and Cornwall.


Scania’s YR59FZF / YT59PBX / YT10UWG / XBW / XBX / XBV / XBY : Top View London.


Scania’s YT59SFN / SGZ : Highlands Council .


E200 YX17NRO : Faresaver Buses, Chippenham.


E400s SN12EHE / EHS : AL's Coaches, Liverpool.


Scania NK56KHZ : Brighton Horizon Coaches.


E400 HP05BUS :New Adventure, Cardiff.


Volvo B9TL HF11HCU : Sharpes Coaches, Nottingham.


Wishing everyone who reads this a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.