Issue nr. 251
May 17th 2023

From the Editor

This issue records some notable developments, the first of which heralds the beginning of a significant event for public transport in the UK. - The AUTONOMOUS bus. As ever I had hoped that we would have in service pictures and our correspondent, Gordon Scott in Edinburgh, has come up trumps recording the start of the service in Scotland.

We report on the TV&GW Omnibus Bristol RE run last Sunday and more about Rail Replacement services in our area with an especial report for one which is worked by an Oxford tube on a short west London rail link.

Two contributors from The Oxford Bus Museum have provided pictures from the recent event and Gavin Francis visited Didcot which had yielded many interesting pictures.

 Gavin also completes his investigations regarding RML883 which has an interesting history. There are also great letter from readers.

Oxford Bus reveals details of its upcoming fleet happenings.


CAVForth autonomous bus service gets official launch

Scottish Transport Minister Kevin Stewart helped launch the UK’s first autonomous bus service today ahead of CAVForth’s first passenger service on Monday 15 May.

The fleet of five Alexander Dennis Enviro200AV will cover the 14 miles across the Forth Road Bridge from Ferrytoll park-and-ride site in Fife and Edinburgh Park transport interchange.

Part-funded by the UK Government’s Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV), the AB1 is believed to be the first registered bus service in the world to use full-sized autonomous buses.

The trial project, which will run until 2025, is thanks to a collaboration between Fusion Processing Ltd, Stagecoach, Alexander Dennis, Transport Scotland, Edinburgh Napier University, Bristol Robotics Lab, and the University of the West of England.

The service will have two members of staff on board. A “safety driver” will monitor the technology while a “captain” will take tickets and deal with customer queries.

According to Stagecoach, “the captain is there to demonstrate what a full-size autonomous bus might feel like in the future, when one member of staff can leave the cab while the computer does the driving, and engage with passengers, much like a conductor would have done.”

While the service takes 10,000 passengers per week over the Forth, the collaborators will tweak the technology and monitor the benefits for customers.

It was announced in February that the CAVForth service will be extended north to Dunfermline.

Mr Stewart says: “It is really exciting to see the innovative and ambitious CAVForth project take to the roads in earnest after all the hard work of the partner organisations involved in bringing this world first to Scotland.

“We want Scotland to continue to be at the forefront in the development of connected and autonomous vehicles and the start of this live trial will really help the country establish its credentials on the world stage. I am excited to see how this technology can help to support our vision for a sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible transport system.”

Ray O’Toole, Executive Chairman for Stagecoach, adds: “This is an incredibly exciting time, and we are delighted to see the hard work of all partners involved, pay off on the official launch by Scottish Transport Minister, Kevin Stewart.

“We are proud to be at the forefront of transport innovation with this project, marking a significant milestone for public transport and we look forward to welcoming our customers on board from Monday.”

The onboard Fusion Processing’s autonomous drive system, CAVStar, uses data from sensors to maximise efficiency throughout the journey, whatever the traffic conditions. Receiving information directly from traffic-light systems enables the vehicle to plan its speed to run smoothly between green lights. The system reduces unnecessary breaking and thus less wear on brakes and tyres and a reduction in emissions.

Jim Hutchinson, Fusion Processing Chief Executive, says: “CAVForth is an exciting showcase of how our CAVstar Automated Drive System can safely operate in a very complex driving environment. This pilot is globally significant and marks a step change in the operation of autonomous commercial vehicles on public roads.”

Gordon Scott

Had a run on Stagecoach East Scotland Fife autonomous AB1 service Edinburgh Park to Ferry Toll near Inverkeithing in Fife using the old Forth Bridge which Buses only use today.

There are five ADL E20D 62001 to 62005.

62002 YX69NUO taken at Ferry
Toll and Edinburgh Park.

62003 YX69NUP taken at Ferry Toll

Run on Bus was interesting at one point on M9 there is 50 mph speed camera and the Bus slowed down on approach to the camera.

Otherwise interesting times ahead Stagecoach East Fife plans more autonomous Buses planned for operation in Dunfermline.

My thanks to Gordon for his prompt provision of  photos and report. Ed.

Sunday, May  14th

 Bristol RELH – 60th Anniversary Road Run

Malcolm Crowe from Aston Hill A40

The five coaches climbing the A40 Chiltern Hills which provided a nice challenge for these veterans.

Gavin Francis from Stokenchurch

These pictures show the quintet passing the burnt out Kings Arms in Stokenchurch once the stop for many express services in days gone


Rail Replacement for Didcot - Oxford continues

Gavin Francis in Didcot

A significant number of operators are involved in this operation as seen above on May 15th.
They come from far and wide in England as well as more locally.

Oxford tube coach used for Rail Replacement Service

 by Gavin Francis

For the past few weeks Oxford Tube have been assisting with the Rail Replacement Service between Oxford and Didcot by providing one coach a day.

Last week they commenced another similar service this time between West Ealing and West Ruislip Stations. This is a Wednesdays only replacement and is just one trip one direction starting at 11.17 from West Ealing and arriving at West Ruislip at 11.42.

To help explain how this odd service has come about I have asked my long time friend and font of all matters railways Mike Walker to explain.

Chiltern Railways had for many years run a single round trip into London Paddington.  This ran Mondays to Fridays and over the years the times varied as did the originating station; some years it was West Ruislip but in others it was Gerrards Cross or High Wycombe and often the terminal of the return trip differed from the origin of the inbound.  The main purpose of these trips was to maintain the competency (route knowledge) of drivers over the route to permit Chiltern services to be diverted into Paddington at times when access to Marylebone was not possible due to engineering works or unplanned “incidents”.  Railway rules require a driver to make at least one round trip over a route in a period of 6 months to maintain their competency.  This is called “signing the road” and today this appears on the equivalent of the paper section of their driving license along with what types of train they can actually drive – the same 6 month rule applying.  It should be noted that this required the runs into Paddington to be usually double manned, each man driving one way with the other sat beside him the cab (watching the line ahead, not discussing last night’s football results) which is sufficient to maintain competency.  This ensured sufficient drivers made the trip in each six month period.


With the introduction of Crossrail (Elizabeth Line) services initially using the main station at Paddington it was decided to divert the Chiltern service to West Ealing from December 2018 to free up space at the terminus, initially following the same daily pattern.  However, this removed any possibility of maintaining Chiltern drivers’ competency into Paddington although it is physically possible to join the Great Western Main Line at West Ealing.  So the need to provide such a “frequent” service to ensure all the necessary drivers were rostered over the route within the required timescale vanished and the service was reduced to one day a week and in one direction only.    This came to an end with the December 2022 timetable change when it was replaced by a bus.  This is partly due to the construction of HS2 which will run alongside the old Great Western New Line from Old Oak Common to Northolt Junction. 

Why run a replacement bus?  Well, the withdrawal of a passenger service over a route is no simple matter; there is a lengthy statutory procedure that has to be followed.  This would still have to be followed even though there are no intermediate stations on the route and alternative, if circuitous, routes exist between the two terminals. In theory, the bus allows the train to return after HS2 is complete but that seems unlikely. 


The coach does its normal run from Oxford into Victoria and then runs empty to West Ealing Station.


50431 waits outside West Ealing Station

As Expected there were no passengers so we just headed north along Argyle Avenue to The Medway Underpass on the A40 by the old Hoover building, left turn on to The Western Avenue through to Hillingdon Circus and then right turn past Hillingdon Station to West Ruislip. Journey time was about 15mins.


End of the trip at West Ruislip Station where nearby extensive HS2 work is being carried out.


Just a question now of running back empty to Victoria and repeating the exercise next Wednesday. !! 

Other RR operations in our area 

Tony Bungay 

For past couple of days various vehicles have been providing rail replacement services at Aylesbury.

Seen on forecourt of Aylesbury station is Transpora  2903 that was new to London United as it’s SP115.

Paul Statham - Oxford Bus Museum

In issue 250, Readers Write from Tony Bungay picture of an Atlantean ?,   I am almost certain that it is ex-Nottingham,  the front bumper is the clue.  

Also,  Jack Cooper said that he did not manage to photograph RML 883 when it visited OBM Running day,  I did and it is attached. 

Phillip Bayliss - Oxford Bus Museum

Photos from the Oxford Bus Museums running day. Filling in from Jack Coopers great pictures last week. Staring. Stroud Valleys Bristol RE, The Vintage Red Bus Company RML 883. Oxford Bus Museum 956 AJO and Oxford Bus Company 672. The RML 883 on the road picture, was taken in Bladon. 



RML Special Service (Cont’d from Issue 250)
by Gavin Francis

Following the use of RML 2508 on a Special Service in  Stokenchurch last week this was soon followed by the use of RML 883. 

Stokenchurch May 11th 2023 - RML 883 at the start of the service in Stokenchurch.

This bus has an interesting history. It was part of the very first batch of RMLs which entered service from Finchley Garage on Route 104 in 1961 (RML 880-903). The first four including 883 had fleet numbers starting ER leaving the class RML for Leyland engine examples but when this was not used it became RML 883. 

It stayed at Finchley for the next 10 years before moving around a whole series of garages including Muswell Hill, Stockwell, Hanwell, West Ham, Ash Grove, Peckham and Camberwell.

RML 883 pictured at Aldgate in 1976 when working from West Ham Garage. 

During its life it went through the regular Aldenham overhaul programme but in 1992 was sent to South Yorkshire for major refurbishment to give it another 10 years of services.

Pictured in Harewood Place at the end of its London life in 2004 branded for Route 12 

In 2004 it was one of the last Routemasters to come off service and was sold to Ensigns and was part of the raffle to sell them off to private owners. It was sold to an owner in Lanarkshire but only spent two years there.

In 2006 it made the long trip to Eastern Europe and became an exhibit at The Bohemia Road Transport Museum in Terezin, in The Czech Republic. Over the next few years its condition deteriated and it became a non-runner.

RML 883 is prepared in The Czech Republic for the long tow home.

In October 2013 a local enthusiast decided to go to The Czech Republic and recover it so armed with a recovery vehicle towed it all the way back to the UK.

It was sent away for a total refurbishment and by July 2014 it was ready to attend RM 60.

RML 883 attending RM 60 at Finsbury Park. - Picture courtesy of Paul Bateson.

RML 883 has been a regular attendee at rallies and is seen here heading a line of Routemasters at Showbus Duxford in September 2014.

So after 62 years it is still an active bus and providing good service. !!

Chris Huntingford

“Here is something for which there should maybe be a prize for the best solution. In days-of-old, the standard procedure for leaving a bus was to ring the bell shortly after the previous stop, stand up and walk to the door, ready to leave. Nowadays, and maybe correctly in a more safety-aware world, passengers are encouraged to stay seated until the bus stops. However, this can cause a problem for others boarding who are not aware people want to get off, especially if coming from upstairs. Drivers have three approaches to this, of (1) stop but keep the doors closed for a bit, (2) open the doors but raise their hand in a “do not board” gesture or (3) open the doors and shout “let people off first”. However nicely these options are done, none are particularly welcoming, especially for those new to bus travel who may not think to check first for people getting off. Any ideas on how to solve the problem (and just to say, I’m not convinced two-door buses are a good solution for Oxfordshire)?”  

Martin Isles

I have been enjoying the Yellow Bus histories of late.  I had some involvement in the incarnation of Motts Yellow Bus.  It was nice to see the initial yellow timetable booklet with the cartoon bus courtesy of Cardiff Buses! 

The initial six vehicles were all acquired through the good offices of Julian Peddle from South Yorkshire: the four Rolls Royce powered Metrobuses, the Dennis Domino and the Plaxton bodied Leopard OWG368X new to Wilsons of Stainforth, a company taken over by the PTE.  They were not acquired via Stevenson's and were not operated by them, that is not the reason for the yellow livery.  As the prime M1 route from Aylesbury to Lane End via Wycombe had not long ceased to be operated by Bee Line buses in a yellow livery, is why the colour was chosen – it also featuring in Motts coach livery.  With the buses also running the 280 into Oxford the blue skirt was added and my original intention was a white edged lime green band separate the yellow and blue to slightly mimic the Oxford City Nipper minibus branding.  However when the green was added to one of the MCWs it was decided it didn’t look right.

The main target of Yellow Bus operations was to expose a somewhat underhand operation by the County transport office, under Roger Slevin, to use the Education department’s budget to subsidise local bus services.  The school transport tenders inflated the number of pupils to be carried across the county – not just into Wycombe, but Aylesbury too and doubtless across the board.  So a coach operator might see around 300 pupils needed carrying, which could equate to six 50 seat coaches.  The incumbent bus operator would know the actual figures were substantially less and two double decks and a single decker could do the job.  So Yellow Bus targeted the school runs from Lane End/Stokenchurch to Wycombe and Risborough to Aylesbury.  The Oxford 280 was a bonus.  Oxfordshire County Council had some tenders due around the same time so the Metrobuses, which would have been sat idle in the evenings and on Sundays could work 280s.  Again there was some requirement linked to Brookes University Wheatley Campus, which the then City of Oxford charged an arm and a leg for.  It worked well for Motts coaches too as they developed a good working relationship with the University, the highlight being fleets of double-deckers working the annual Summer Ball till the small hours of the night.

Martin has some great memories. Ed.

Richard Kane

I have been an avid reader of the page for over 20 years now and would too like to share my memories and experiences of Yellow Bus (Motts Travel). 

I am old enough (just about) to remember the earlier days of Yellow Bus operation and fondly remember them running the school bus contract to my primary school using a variety of vehicles.  

Whenever we had a school outing, these would normally be ran by Motts using one of the two “mark two” Metrobuses, known within Motts as the “cubs”. I especially remember a driver called Clive who had worked for Motts for many years and continued to drive for them well last retirement age! I often wonder if anybody knows what happened to Clive or if he is indeed still about?. 

By the time I had reached secondary school, the majority of the fleet has been sold on etc however a few yellow buses remained along with several in standard Motts livery but including Yellow bus blinds. 

I especially remember Fleetlines OJD 463R and KON 323P, the two aforementioned cubs and Leyland Leopard OWG 368X although I noticed that a few other Yellow Bus vehicles had not been mentioned, including Fleetline THX 545S, Volvo B58 641 UTO and Leyland Leopard SUR 283R in 1979s Motts livery. 

Although I don't remember them in service with Motts, I remember, and travelled tos chill on several ex-Motts yellow buses with Arriva. 

I very much enjoyed reading all the info on Yellow Buses and would like to personally thank you all for the great work you have put into the website.

My thanks to Richard for this interesting discourse. Ed. 

Jack Cooper

Jack is enhancing his photographic skills to provide some great pictures - May 14th.

What a ;perfect picture of Victoria Coach Station on May 12th.

      Coach visitors to Oxfordshire     

George Candelin

Just a few I noted on my travels today. I missed a National Express (Worthing) by seconds as it was just leaving Peartree as I arrived.   




Peartree Services

Irizar i6S 


Prospect Coaches





Peartree Services

Volvo B12B / Plaxton Panther


Pearce Private Hire





Van Hool EX-series


C.I.E. Tours International

Galway, Eire




Volvo B11R / Plaxton Panther


H. Horseman


I missed the Irish one as I was driving, same problem with the Horseman !!

Jim Wright

YN11AXY a Volvo Plaxton Elite,
Hough of Lincolnshire in
Stow on the Wold 16-5-23. 

     Fleet News and developments   

Gavin Francis in Wycombe on May 9th and 10th

Wycombe's StreetLites are being replaced by Versas with 2979 and 2982 recently arrived

More Versas which have been here now for a few months.

Part of Wycombe's double deck allocation is seen above with 4210 working the 36 in Oxford Road.
Also 4749 in Oxford Street.

The Citaro is still well represented as as seen above.

Variety is created by visitors from Aylesbury with 3813 and 3816 working the 300. 

Malcolm Crowe

956 still appears to be at Wycombe and was on April 29th.

Nick Ross

A revolution in Leighton Buzzard's town services started on May 9th. Shiny newish Arriva Enviro 200s now operate 5 town wide hourly services all day, evenings and Sundays on some routes. £3 million developer funded the routes serve vast new build estates as well as parts of the old town routes. The services are free to all till Christmas as are the Leighton Buzzard legs of the long established Arriva operated F70, F77, 150 and 250.


Paul Weal

Regarding the comments by Tony Bungay, the new LB network started on May 9th using Enviro 20D 8.9 MMC vehicle new to the Medway towns earlier this year. They are now 3153-3157, YX72OFK-OFO.  

The outstation now appears to come under Milton Keynes. 

Arriva have risen to the occasion and there is some good publicity on the website under latest news. I have yet to find a printed copy of the leaflet though. Central Bedfordshire Council have made an excellent job of changing the bus stop information. 

Unfortunately the L5 gets late on the first journey and never recovers. By mid afternoon it has been 30 minutes late. I feel it is rather ambitious trying to cram so much into the hour cycle. Two small sections of route in Linslade are withdrawn, but the running time has not been redistributed. 

The tight turn from Cedars Way into Mentmore Road has been abandoned in practice and the L6 runs along Wing Road.

Local knowledge is everything and it is a shame that an excellent initiative is suffering in this way.  

I attach a photo of the previous route 36c when it was temporarily with A to B of Luton. It is an Islesbus ex demonstrator.
 Also one in the High Street of the new services, and one at the Station on rail strike day. Sorry the displays have not come out. 

Jack Cooper

YX70OHJ working the 100 in Cheltenham on May 11th.

Gavin Francis

StreetLite 63313 seen in Oxford Street with an X74 on May 10th.

8MW connection for Oxford Bus Company electric buses

Oxford Bus Company and EDF Renewables UK have signed an agreement for the provision of an 8MW connection to the operator’s depot in the city to enable the introduction and charging of 104 Wrightbus battery-electric buses.

It forms the latest part of an ambitious urban decarbonisation project, Energy Superhub Oxford. That work has seen innovations such as the creation of a first of a kind battery storage system, a high-power private wire charging network and an electric vehicle charging hub at the Redbridge park-and-ride site.

Charging of the 104 buses will take advantage of the high voltage connection that Energy Superhub Oxford has enabled. A substation at the depot was installed and connected by EDF Renewables in spring 2022 in anticipation of the agreement.

Speaking about concluding the deal, Oxford Bus Company Managing Director Luke Marion says: “Go-Ahead Group and Oxford Bus Company’s ambition to transition to a zero-emission fleet has been in planning for several years already.

“This agreement with EDF Renewables UK takes us one step closer to having more electric buses in Oxford, and is a key milestone on our exciting electric transformation journey.”

The first of the battery-electric vehicles, which are part funded by a successful Oxfordshire County Council bid to the Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas scheme, will arrive late this year.

They are made up of 99 StreetDeck Electroliner double-deckers and five GB Kite Electroliner single-deckers. Their deployment will capture the high-profile BROOKESBus operation that serves Oxford Brookes University.

Oxford Bus Company introduced the first battery-electric buses to its fleet in 2020 via its City Sightseeing operation. There are now three such repowered examples in use as the fruits of a partnership with Oxford City Council.

Oxford Bus Company adds seven new Tourismos for Heathrow services

Oxford Bus Company has upgraded its fleet with seven new Mercedes Tourismo coaches as it prepares to enhance its Heathrow Airport services.

The new coaches will replace the five existing vehicles which run between Oxford city centre and the airport, while the service will be expanded from every 30 minutes to every 20 minutes to meet increasing demand from 28 May onwards. An extra 12 departures per day will go between Oxford and Heathrow Airport, offering an extra 4,536 seats weekly.

The Euro VI-compliant coaches, costing £2 million in total, provide wheelchair access, toilets and electronic sat-nav displays, and offer free Wi-Fi and USB charging points.

The move comes as the operator benefits from international air travel continuing to bounce back after the pandemic.

Luke Marion, Oxford Bus Company Managing Director, says: “It’s fantastic to see the levels of international travel fully return, which has resulted in increased demand for our airline services.

“Our airline services provide crucial connectivity between Oxford, High Wycombe and Heathrow Airport and Gatwick Airport. The latest investment in our fleet and increasing our services further underpins our commitment to the service and providing our passengers with a first-class service.”

Services on “the airline” route take 83 minutes to go from Oxford to Heathrow Terminal 5, compared to more than two hours for the quickest equivalent train journeys.

Matthew Wooll, Route Development Lead in Heathrow’s Surface Access Team, says: “Travelling more sustainably to Heathrow is very important, and our partnership with Oxford Bus Company is delivering some great improvements to the bus and coach network.

“We want to see many more passengers and colleagues choosing to use public transport to the airport, which takes cars off the road and reduces emissions and congestion, in line with our sustainability goals.” 

Gavin Francis in Wycombe on May 9th and 10th

The ONE sees variety each day as seen above.

Carousel has very varied fleet including some new Sprinters for the PMU.
At the time  of publishing 985, 987 and 988 were in service.

Lewis Hawkins 

Carousel E200 461 working the 41 seen at High Wycombe Station 
on May 13th.

Carousel Wright StreetLite 407 working the 1B seen at Chesham Broadway again on May 13th. 

Malcolm Crowe

956 still appears to be at Wycombe and was on April 29th.

Occupants at the depot on May 13th are seen above.

Jack Cooper

Tourismo 32 seen in Gloucester Green on May 9th.

The 35 now sees variety after being restored -367 in St Aldates on May 9th.

StreetDecks 668, 675 and 679 on May 9th. 

Gavin Francis in Didcot on May 16th

The Scanias are still prominent on services.

Other members of the Thames Transit fleet










Variety of types certainly makes up the fleet.

Ho-Kit Lam


454 (YX70OLP) with its new Harwell wrap can be seen at Reading Station, North Interchange
as it heads to Oxford City from Reading Town Centre on the X40.
- May 11th. 

Jack Cooper

Working the 24 StreetLite SK68TWP seen in Oxford on May 9th. 

Gavin Francis

Taken in the village, May 16th, former Go-Ahead WVL 239. I have the owner as Harlequin Coaches as it is their sign in the window but I don't really know.
Also a picture from 2016 when this bus was in GAL London.


Jack Cooper

VCS on the evening of May 12th.

Jack Cooper

L99NHS is seen working route 99 in Cheltenham on May 11th.

YJ57EGV is still with the company seen in Cheltenham on May 11th.

Jim Wright

Stow on the Wold 16-5-23

New Volvo, MCV EE23BUS,one of two entered service on 1-3-23.

AA68BUS both on 801 service Cheltenham to Moreton in Marsh. 

including Courtney, Newbury & District & Thames Valley

Noted this new bus which I presume is the first of the expecgted Green Line double decks.

GL23SLH AD E40D AD H??F /2023


New appointments have been made by Reading Buses following a restructure of their engineering supervisory team which works behind the scenes to support Reading’s award winning 24/7 local bus services. 

The company, which was a very early member of the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency’s (DVSA) flagship Earned Recognition scheme, aims to maintain vehicles well above the minimum legal requirements – benefitting the people of Reading and beyond with better maintained buses. 

As part of the scheme, Reading Buses has been voluntarily sharing all its maintenance records with the agency for several years. 

To help lead the new team, Scott Honey, 56, has been promoted to the new role of Workshop Manager.  

Scott, 56, who lives in Tilehurst, has been an engineering service controller with Reading Buses for 39 years. 

In his new role Scott will assist on implementing standards, processes and planning. 

The company have also introduced three new positions of Workshop Supervisor to run the workshop which sits behind the scenes supporting Reading’s bus network, and will check/monitor all maintenance activity. 

Jordan Hicks, 30, who also lives in Tilehurst and has been employed by Reading Buses for 11 years, Richie Barlow, 39, who lives in Kintbury and has been with Reading Buses for two years and Andy Gordon, 40, who lives in Reading and has been with the bus operator for 23 years, have all been promoted to the position of Workshop Supervisor. 

Jordan, currently a master technician who originally started as an apprentice with Reading Buses, and Richie, currently an engineer at Thames Valley Buses, will run the day shift between them seven days a week.  

Andy, one of the current engineers in Reading, will perform a similar role with the late shift five days a week. 

Reading Buses say the restructuring of the engineering supervisory team is designed to provide more clarity around roles and responsibilities. The aim is to generate effective teamwork and ultimately improved fleet availability and reliability. 

Said Tom Ranson, Reading Buses Chief Engineer: “It is a pleasure to announce the restructure and promotion of Scott and some of the team at Reading Buses.  

“Scott will lead the department, along with a yet to be appointed Engineering Manager to raise our standards even higher than they already are.  

“We pride ourselves on being the best in the business, but you can only stay ahead of the pack by evolving.  

“This is what we hope to achieve with these changes to make sure the people of Reading get the best buses and therefore the best experience they can when travelling with us.” 

Gavin Francis

SN53LWR is the regular bus for the 648 school service as seen on May 11th. 

There appears to be further ex Bournemouth E200.  YX12AEA is now fleet number 556 now in fleet livery and usually works the 7 to Bedgrove. It entered service on May 11th. 

Malcolm Crowe

E19RRT is seen in West Wycombe Road working the 40 on April 29th. This bus is a regular for this route.

Jack Cooper

10756, 15352, 15356 and 15880 seen in Cheltenham on May 11th.

Once the pride of Banbury depot and flagship of the Gold S4 28742 is seen working local service 10 in Cheltenham
looking battle scarred on May 11th.

Jack Cooper

An S2 service worked by 11253 seen in Cheltenham on May 11th.

Nick Ross

SCE 13909 works route B through Fen Drayton Lakes on May 8th. 

50448 is in service again with 50446 but unless there is a problem with it reporting 50447 is not in regular service. 

Jack Cooper

Solo YN53ZWR seen in Cheltenham on May 11th.

     London operations    

Andrew Webb

Dairy-free, wheat-free and gluten-free (and 'e' free in the name) snacking at its finest is the proud boast of the latest advert to hit the capital's streets. 

Arriva's LT596 shows off the advert as it heads through Haggerston on the busy 149 linking London Bridge with Edmonton Green.

Gavin Francis

Coronation bus Abellio 3006 working the 111 in Cranford Lane on May 13th.

A selection of other buses and a coach on the same day and location.


A further selection of buses and coaches seen in central London on May 9th. 

Jack Cooper

Swanage is a favourite haunt of Jack. May 12th.

WM 6898 seen in Birmingham working the 50 on May 8th.