Issue nr 263
Wednesday August 16th 2023

Check the major changes to Buckinghamshire routes coming by September 3rd

View changes to bus services and timetables | Buckinghamshire Council


From the Editor

This issue provides full details of upcoming changes to many of our area bus services with operator changes, route renumbering, combination of services and increases in frequency. Follow the links to view everything.

The changes are some of the biggest in High Wycombe for a number of years.

Aylesbury Rail Replacement - Chiltern Trains in pictures from Tony Bungay & Jack  Cooper

A day out with Jack Cooper

The Big Bus Show from Gary Seamarks

Tim Raffield provides a picture of the first Faringdon Tourist Bus

Oxfordshire Bus Enthusiasts Society with dates for your diary

Coaches are Oxford from James Freeman

More Readers Write regarding Newbury, full buses in Oxford plus happenings in Aylesbury with comments on service changes

Fleet News and pictures including a new airport service from Reading Bus

London operations by Andrew Webb

Van Hool dealers in Florida by Gavin Francis

Nick Ross in the north of Scotland

Rail Replacement in Aylesbury

Michael Penn

There has been a large scale rail replacement operation at Aylesbury going on this week so I went there to take a look yesterday, Thursday.  Here are some photos.  Transpora seems to be an umbrella organisation with a number of subsidiaries around the country, the nearest to here being at Bristol and Bournemouth.  They also have operations at Blackpool and Manchester. 

You might recognise one of the buses in these photos (BX56XBY) as I photographed it at Cardiff
on rail replacement work a couple of months ago and you subsequently published it.

Latest pictures taken on August 16th.


Jack Cooper

Another end of this rail replacement in Oxford covered by Stagecoach South !!

Surely the first 23 plate from Stagecoach to be in the city, 11582 working for Chiltern Trains on August 13th.

South's 10890 working the same duties, seen in St Giles on the same day.

A day out with Jack Cooper

On Monday 7th I made a circular day out by bus. This would see me travel through Didcot, Newbury, Basingstoke, Alton, Winchester, Southampton, Salisbury, Swindon & Oxford. Here are a breakdown of the journeys I had made. 

 no picture provided
Thames Travel X2 - Abingdon to Didcot (909)

Thames Travel X34 - Didcot to Newbury (224)

Stagecoach Link - Newbury to Basingstoke (26316)

Stagecoach 13 - Basingstoke to Alton (18510)

Stagecoach 64 - Alton to Winchester (10892)

Bluestar 1 - Winchester to Southampton (1645) 

I had then intended to get the Salisbury Reds X7R from Southampton to Salisbury. After waiting at the bus stop for about 30 minutes I had discovered the service was cancelled! Unfortunately no updates were put onto the Salisbury Reds website or Twitter page, and had only found out by ringing them up! Not great for those waiting as it was the last X7R of the day!

Not wanting to mess up my later plans, I had got the train to Salisbury from Southampton.

This was a Great Western Railway service which was a service towards Cardiff Central worked by 166202. 

 Back to the plan from Salisbury!

Salisbury Reds X5 - Salisbury to Swindon (1575)

Stagecoach S6 - Swindon to Oxford (10993) 

Oxford Bus Company X1 - Oxford to Abingdon (672) 

I had intended to connect from the S6 to the X35 from Faringdon, however the S6 was running late and a 6 minute connection turned into missing the X35 by 2 minutes! A little bit of a shame, but at least I had an alternative I could fall back on. 

I have included many other pictures provided by Jack for the interest of readers. Ed.

24 - Salisbury - Warminster – Beeline Coaches –


Excelsior Coaches | Coach hire from A to B in style and comfort… (

One of very smart fleet of coaches - HF18CKJ in Southampton




Certainly a day of much interest which shows how much is achieved in one day. Ed. 

Gary Seamarks

Few from Sundays event at Stonham Barns, near Ipswich, about 85 present missed just the Cambridge Electric which we passed on way to site as we headed home at 13.30 !

Few I had not seen before, and some not for many years, cloudy weather was a great help for photo's.

D70TLV was new to North Western, then later was one of the two open toppy Banana Buggy buses at Great Yarmouth.


Happy memories for your Editor as this was "his bus" for a Sunday Oxford duty in the early 2000s' 

The first day of operation by Tim Raffield 

36330 in Faringdon on August 5th.

It is from Tim answering my question in the last issue. Ed. 

Oxfordshire Bus Enthusiasts Society

We are very glad to say that this programme has been arranged for the autumn: 

Wednesday 13 September

Geoff Bushell: Maltese Buses History and Preservation Part 2: restoration of the two buses he is preserving

Wednesday 11 October

Matt Bullock Heyfordian Services 1947-2023

Wednesday 9 November 

John Hammond: Cooks of Biggleswade - a Bedfordshire Coach Operator

 All meetings will be from 7 to 9 p.m at the Norman Brown Room 2, Rose Hill Community Centre, Carole's Way, Rose Hill, Oxford, OX4 4HF. 

Oxford Bus Co service 3 passes the centre and services 3A and Thames Travel service dX40 pass within five minutes walk. 

A bar is available after the meetings. There are snacks but no meals are served. Parking is available. 

We have changed our meetings to Wednesdays as the Community Centre now closes earlier than hitherto on Tuesdays. 

We hope to see you at these meetings. 

Coaches around Oxford on August 12th by James Freeman

Angles Tours P31PJO on August 12th. This was 78 OX15LON,

Follow the link below:

3jxa | james freeman | Flickr

James has provided another group of coach pictures. Ed.

More on Newbury-Oxford and other services

Hugh Jaeger

The more pieces appear, the bigger the jigsaw of history of a single route becomes! 

I am not surprised that the service between Oxford and Southampton was run jointly. But I had imagined two operators. Three working together seems impressive, albeit logical as it crossed the territories of each one.

I have just heard that route 275 is to be transferred from Red Rose to Carousel. Did you know about this, or why it is being transferred? 

I thought route 275 was mostly commercial, except for the one trip each way that goes via Great Milton. Have I got that wrong? 

It feels like only a year or two ago that route 40 was transferred from Carousel to Red Rose. Does either Bucks or Oxon CC subsidise route 40?

Bucks and Oxon county councils used to subsidise the off-peak trips on route 275. Under the new tender, they will now subsidise the entire service.

a MetroRider! There's a blast from the past. 

The wide diversity of vehicles rather highlights the matter of what sort of service one wants to bridge the big gap between Harwell Campus and Newbury. If one wants to maximise passengers between big towns, run a coach or high-spec "coach-bus" and stick to the main roads. If one wants to serve small villages, run a short-wheelbase single decker, preferably with a narrow body. I know of no bus that would do both jobs to a high standard. And the more one tries to serve villages that are not on the main road, the fewer passengers one will attract for the longer-distance town-to-town journeys. 

Thank you again for forwarding your followers' recollections of the route.

Ian McNeil

In the early 1960s Thames Valley were running two buses on the 112, usually Lodekkas 763 and 764.  COMS (country buses) also ran two on their identical route 12, and these were highbridge AEC Regents.  All were fitted with platform doors and together they provided an hourly frequency 7 days a week via the old A34 main road.  The journey time was indeed 100 minutes.  The first weekday departure from each terminus (at 07:30) worked only to AERE Harwell where the two vehicles connected and then returned home; all other journeys covered the complete route.  

COMS also had a route 13 which was effectively a short working of the 12 between Gloucester Green and Abingdon, but its 30 minute frequency was not co-ordinated with the 12, more with the 14 which ran between Gloucester Green and Abingdon via Kennington and Radley with lowbridge Regents.  (Notably a 14 and the 12/112 left Gloucester Green together at half-past each hour.)

It's interesting that the 275 is to be run by Carousel; back in the day it was the 75 and was mostly operated from the former COMS outstation at Stokenchurch.  Not many ex-COMS country routes have such a long history using a recognisably similar route number!

Tony Bungay


As the reuse of the X34 route number has prompted a few responses , I thought I would enclose a couple of photos of the service being operated by the Hampshire Bus share of the operation. The Plaxton bodied coach I believe was previously an Oxford -South Midland vehicle.

The service operated by Alder Valley- Hampshire Bus – City of Oxford contributing one vehicle each. The last Southampton to Oxford journey of the day required passengers to change from a Hampshire to Oxford vehicle at Newbury Bus Station.

The service in this form ceased on the 25/10/86. I made that statement in that form, as Newbury Buses were operating a Newbury – Oxford X34 service six days a week at least, as late as 1996, though my copy of the Great British Bus Timetable published by Southern Vectis shows that by the summer of 1998, the service had shrunk to four journeys each way on Saturday only. The timetable stating the weekday service being withdrawn to loss of subsidy.

Some readers may recall a submission of a photo on this Newspage by a contributor, of a Newbury buses vehicle operating this service, asking if any readers knew the location. The answer if I recall correctly was East Ilsley.

As the Newbury operations of Alder Valley became The Beeline, before the sale to Reading Buses. I do not know if they or anybody else for that matter operated a form of the X34 after deregulation day 26/10/86.

I note a question was asked about the Oxford – Newbury service before the X34, well certainly in the mid 1970’s it was numbered 112 and was operated jointly by Alder Valley and Oxford, giving an hourly frequency, there was also a Sunday service. At a guess here, I doubt the hourly frequency lasted until the introduction of the X34. I would assume that the service was probably trimmed down or more, as a result of the ‘KennetBus’ MAP project, which along with others in 1980 made considerable inroads into Alder Valley operations (it had reportedly been one of the NBC’s biggest loss makers).

A map of Thames Valley operations presumably before 1970, shows Thames Valley service 112 and alongside City of Oxford 12 operating between the two places. Also on the same road but continuing beyond Newbury onto Winchester – Portsmouth and Southsea is South Midland Coach service F, in Thames Valley ownership at this time, but moving to City of Oxford in 1971. 

On a different note anybody remember the X10, this service lasted about four months in the summer of 1986 and was operated by Wilts and Dorset to and from Oxpens road. Two journeys a day operated Salisbury – Andover – Newbury – Abingdon? – Oxford. If I find a photo I will send it up! 

Buckinghamshire Council bus changes website lists a number of changes. Perhaps standing out is the return after an absence of 51 years, of the 710 service number in Chesham and Amersham! Operating to London Airport, will be interesting if anybody is dedicated enough to get a photo in either town! Why? The timetable I think will show the answer!

Roger Thompson

A further small comment on these services.  I lived in Abingdon and travelled to school in Oxford by bus from 1957 to 1962, and throughout that time one of the three bus services that I could use was the joint COMS/Thames Valley service between Oxford and Newbury, which ran hourly on the hour from Gloucester Green, alternating between COMS and Thames Valley buses.

The COMS service was number 12, the Thames Valley was number 112. During that time TV used what, to my mind , were the more modern looking buses, the ubiquitous Bristol Lodekka. COMS used one of the large number of AEC Regents in their fleet, usually one of the more recent Regent Vs with hand operated rear platform doors, but still with an exposed radiator.

The route of the 12/112 through Abingdon was different to that of the half hourly COMS Service 13, which otherwise followed the same route along the old A34 via Hinksey Hill top and Sunninwell turn - long before the A34 dual carriageway and Abingdon bypass was built. In Abingdon the 13 followed the A34 directly into the town centre, but the 12/112 turned into Northcourt Road, and then took Wootton Road to regain the A34 opposite the then open station, at the top of Stert St. This added about another 5 minutes to the journey, but provided a service to the new estates off the Wootton Rd.

This service remained unchanged for many years - timetables didn't change every few weeks like they seem to nowadays!

Thomas W W Knowles

I thought that with the correspondence relating to the bus services between Newbury and Oxford creating such interest, a few photographs  taken over the years would be of interest.


You may already have seen my photographs of the two COMS buses PWL 417 and 954 AJO taken at Newbury Wharf in 1959. At that time COMS buses used route number 12 whilst the joint operator, Thames valley used 112. Thames Valley acquired Newbury & District  in the early 1950s, and all the services taken over received route numbers in the 1xx series. However at the end of Newbury & District's operation the route number for the Oxford service was 30 but by June 1952 the Thames Valley timetable book was using service number 112.



We then become a bit more modern with the Alder Valley Bristol LH in Gloucester Green showing route number 104
which was a number used only on a Sunday and was photographed on 8th July 1973.


The Hampshire Bus Bristol RELH was photographed in Oxford on 1st August 1983 at a time when the X34 was a service
that operated through from Oxford to Southampton - hence Hampshire Bus participated in the joint operation.


At the end of June 1995 Reading's Newbury Buses Optare bodied Mercedes F362SDP was in Oxford showing service number X34, but with no destination.
The bus was in an all over advert for the Newbury & Thatcham Chronicle. At this time there was no longer any joint service operation.


A few weeks later on 29th July 1995 the Newbury Buses vehicle on service 34 (no X being shown) was an Optare bodied MAN 801 K801DCF.
I do not know if this was the correct route number at the time. 

Michael Wadman

An interesting conversation in OCBP on the X34. I’ve been having a look in my records, which unfortunately are not as complete as I would like, but this is what I’ve been able to find. 

There was indeed at one time an X34 Southampton – Oxford service via Bassett, Compton, St Cross, Winchester, Newbury, Chieveley, Beedon, East Ilsley, Harwell, Rowstock Corner, and Abingdon. It was jointly operated by Hampshire Bus, Alder Valley, and City of Oxford, and by including several non-stop sections and using the improved A33 and A34 it achieved a journey time of 2 hours 20 minutes. It started on 19th June 1983 and was withdrawn on 26th October 1986. 

On 8th December 1990 Bennett’s Coaches started a service numbered B34 from Newbury via Chieveley and Compton to East Ilsley, extended on Saturdays to Rowstock, Steventon, Drayton, Abingdon, and Oxford.

Bedford YMT / Duple YYL 784T is seen loading in Newbury bus station with an East Ilsley journey.

The route and destination display is on the bit of paper cellotaped to the windscreen; the coach had been new to Grey-Green of whom World Wide Coaches was a subsidiary, so I'm guessing it still had its original blind and the driver was having  a laugh – or expressing his opinion on the indirect nature of the route. 

On 4th October 1993 Reading Transport started a new service X34 from Newbury to Oxford via Chieveley, East Ilsley, and Abingdon, which replaced the Saturday extension of Bennett’s service, by then just numbered 34. 

Reading 216 (WOI 3005, formerly G683 KNW) is seen leaving Gloucester Green for Newbury on 11
th February 1994.
This MCW Metrorider was used as a demonstrator before being acquired by Ipswich and later by Reading.

Keith Newton
photographed Reading Transport no 784 (F774 OJH). a former Bee Line Volvo B10M-60 / Jonckeere,
in East Ilsley (Broad Street) en route to Oxford.

I’m not sure when the X34 was withdrawn. In April 1997 the Monday to Friday service became an Oxfordshire contract whilst the Saturday service stayed commercial; I have a note that the latter was withdrawn on 20th March 1999, but I don’t know about the M-F operation.   

More interesting and informative responses. Ed.

A question of full buses in Oxford

Chris Huntingford

Chris Huntingford writes “One of the current problems in Oxford is frequent bus departures saying Sorry, Bus Full. However, if looking side on, there is often room to stand towards the back. This isn’t the fault of the driver, but instead, because standees often cluster near the cab, giving the impression of full capacity. Would it be possible to put in signage saying if standing, please move down the bus? And maybe the odd friendly shout from the driver - move down the bus folk, so I can squeeze a few more on”.

Any answers? Ed.

Happenings in Aylesbury with comments on service changes

Paul Coley

Confirmation that Arriva are throwing the towel in against Red Rose on their final Aylesbury town service, Route 9, effectively from 2nd September. Once the jewel in the Arriva town service crown, one of the original Aylesbury Rainbow Routes, Red Route 9 had new Darts in a dedicated livery, running every 15 minutes. Even during COVID, Arriva trumpeted improving the frequency to every 10 minutes stating due to 'increased demand'. However, competition from Red Rose has tarnished the profitability of this cash cow, which was reduced to every 15 minutes a year ago, then to every 20 minutes in June. That, and a rag bag selection of buses in various corporate liveries (Aylesbury hasn't had delivery of a new single deck bus for over 14 years), means the end was entirely predictable and inevitable. In typical Arriva style, nothing has been done differently to improve the viability, no new links offered that might have made a difference against their competitor. Reducing frequency and charging slightly more than your competition is never going to win over prospective customers. I feel sorry for the staff, who must despair at the apparent apathy, seeing all their hard work handed over the new dominant force in Bucks, the Red Group.

Red Route 9, including this Dart, seen on 2nd July 2010, heading along Orwell Drive, Hawkslade.

Clean, tidy, branded for the route it was on….how times have changed

August 8th sees 3920 working a current route 9.

Citaro 3920 would have been the pride of Aylesbury garage, when delivered new 15 years ago for the 300 to Wycombe.
Really sad to see it in this state (you can't really be any kinder than this) taken on August 15th.
and assume it will be a casualty of the withdrawal of the 9 in just over 2 weeks' time. 

In contrast to withdrawing services, it was standing room only this evening, August 15th, on this Red Line E300, seen departing Stoke Mandeville Hospital, bound for High Wycombe. It is a shame that the Red Group never seem to repaint replacement panels on any of their buses !

Interestingly I was reading comments on another web site about Arriva changes and the renumbering of routes which leaves one wondering. Ed.

      Coach visitors to Oxfordshire     

Jack Cooper

Barnes WJ17EZB in St Giles on August 13th.

Laguna Y19LAG in St Giles on August 13th.

Richard Sharman

Eynsham-based OMC Global operates a modern fleet, and its vehicles can regularly be seen around the city on a variety of work.

     Fleet News and developments   

View changes to bus services and timetables | Buckinghamshire Council

Malcolm Crowe

3021 and 3580 at Cressex depot on August 12th.

4217 is at the end of its life at Cressex depot on August 12th.


5461 is recovered from the train station seen in Frideswide Square on July 27th.

Tim Raffield 

 4210 FJ58KXH at Reading Friar Street on route 800 to High Wycombe. Thursday 27th July 2023. 

 Further interest is that 69928 again spent most of the last week working the RA2 ! However it has appeared on the X74 today, August 16th.

The four new Tourismos for the Airline still remain to be delviered. Ed.

Service Changes from 27th August 2023

Raymond Gingell

Carousel are making Major Changes on the 27th of August including taking over some Bucks CC contracts that are Currently operated by Red Eagle, Redline, and Red Rose. Full details are on the Carousel changes on the 27th Aug.

View changes to bus services and timetables | Buckinghamshire Council


To see the new timetable from 27th August 2023, please click here, and to see a map of the new extended route, please click here.

Malcolm Crowe

988 appears to be off the road since it worked an Oxford 11X on August 4th. I wonder what has happened ?

432 is seen in the overflow yard on August 5th and 12th having not seen service for many months now.

Caught at the back of the depot on August 12th is E200 YY64TXJ most recently working in Cornwall.
Is this destined for Carousel ?

Daryl Major

One my greatest supporters, Jack Cooper, is seen in this picture of 24 at Gloucester Green on August 10th.
Someone questioned was he leaving on the back of the coach !! Ed.

Güy Wæ

Bicester Village bus 662 (and at one time the GWR IEB) back on the shuttles on August 10th covering for an absent 514.

Jack Cooper

353 is seen in Magdalen Street West working 6 road on August 13th.

675 is seen in Magdalen Street West working 300 road to Pear Tree on August 13th.

679 is seen in Magdalen Street East working a 300 service to Redbridge on August 13th.

205 is seen in Magdalen Street East with sight seeing on August 13th.


Filling in for a missing E200MMC 971 is working the 46 in Westgate on August 8th.

Citaro 844 is seen in Oxford, St Aldates with a 35 service on August 8th. 

I am still wondering if the fleet is to be renumbered into the main Oxford series ? Ed. 

Jack Cooper

863 seen in St Aldates working the X32 on August 9th.


The diesel converted Scania E400H's have seen service with Thames Travel recently.
305 is seen above with an X2 service on August 8th.

Jack Cooper

39 is seen in Magdalen Street East with an inbound 737 service from Redbridge on August 13th.

including Courtney, Newbury & District & Thames Valley



An innovative new service that will directly connect Basingstoke and Camberley to Heathrow Airport has been announced today – with introductory fares just £1 each way. 

It will be a brand-new limited stop coach named Flightline 730/731 introduced by local firm Newbury & District from August 21. 

The new coach will start from Basingstoke Station and will stop at Old Basing, Frimley, Camberley, Bagshot and Heathrow Airport Terminal 5, offering local connections as well as journeys to the airport. 

Newbury & District say the new service has been developed in partnership with Heathrow Airport to help both holidaymakers, business travellers and their staff travel to the airport more sustainably. 

At the same time, the operator says it will be a more cost-effective way of travelling to Heathrow with the extended ULEZ zone in London starting from August 29.  

Said Robert Williams, Chief Executive Officer of Newbury & District: “Our aim is to fill several gaps that we have identified in the current bus and train network along the M3/A30 corridor. These are relatively easy to do by car, but difficult by bus or train until now.  

“The service is not just for links to the airport, but all the connections in between, such as Basingstoke to Camberley.  

“Newbury & District see this as a hybrid of a bus, coach and train service and a very high profile and exciting project for our company as well as the local area.  

“We have four brand new coaches on order which will enter service in October and in the meantime we will be using modern double deck buses with high back seats, USB charging and free WiFi.” 

Continued Robert: “For the first two weeks of the service Flightline 730/731 will have an incredible offer of just £1 for any single journey regardless of distance.   

Flightline 730 and 731 will run up to every hour throughout the day from early to late making it the perfect option for travelling to Heathrow for flights or for workers at the airport.” 

Matthew Wooll, Route Development Lead for Surface Access Strategy at Heathrow said: “This new Flightline service is a fantastic addition to Heathrow’s public transport network.  

“We want all of Heathrow’s passengers and colleagues to have access to good public transport at the times they need it. Travelling more sustainably will help reduce congestion and emissions, and Flightline 730/731 will also help keep the cost of travelling down, through some great-value tickets including discounts if you work at the airport.” 

The coach service will have turn-up-and-go ticketing so Newbury & District say there is no need to pre-book. Tickets will be available onboard from the driver as well as through the Newbury & District app.  

Return fares will be valid for one month from purchase and discounted young persons, group and longer-term tickets will also be available.   

Those interested in Flightline 730/731 can find all the details of the new service at 

Martin Dowling

While most of the recent talk of Reading Buses is of the new deckers for 702 and 703 to London and Heathrow, their oldest bus - 520 - is back in service.  This is a Dennis Trident open top bus which has spent summers in Cardiff for the last few years. 

This year it is back in Reading operating on route 17 on sunny, or at least dry, days.  The 17 runs from Tilehurst to the Three Tuns where I took a few photos of it turning at the terminus and also a view of the top deck taken in the town centre. 


Newbury Buses, a subsidiary of Reading Buses, will start new services to Heathrow from Basingstoke and Camberley via the M3 starting from 21st August.  Initially they will use double deckers, presumably those released by the new 702 and 703 buses, but two coaches are on order to take over soon.  As completely new routes, they are not eligible for £2 fares, but for the first few weeks a bargain £1 fare will be on offer.


View changes to bus services and timetables | Buckinghamshire Council 

View changes to bus services and timetables | Buckinghamshire Council 

James Lambeth

10991 seen working the 14 in Oxford on August 15th.

Andy Churchill 

Just to let you know that two further Scania/E400s arrived at Oxford Horspath Road on August 8th being 15991 and 15987 with MMCs 10436/10437 departing to Stagecoach South. The last Stagecoach South Scania to come is 15988.


 Witney reserve Solo 47621 has been allocated to Swindon replacing Solo 47686 which has suffered fire damage .

Jack Cooper

10672 with a 2A, 10681 with an S5 and 10683 with an S3 on August 13th.

One of the remaining Gold's in Oxford is 15835 seen on August 13th.

Probably one of the most unusual liveries to be seen in Oxford on August 13th is this latest transfer from South,15991.

Jim Wright

15736 at Chipping Norton outstation

Recently acquired 15990 at Combe 3-8-23.

Pete Leyman

Photos taken August 15th at Bicester outstation 

15991 parked up at Bicester outstation with much of the Coastliner branding removed..

36984 with a rear advert. 

Richard Sharman

Former Gloucester depot ADL Enviro 300 27712 is seen on a late evening departure back to Banbury on service S4.
This vehicle moved to Banbury depot on the 9th of June.

The latest former Stagecoach South ADL E400-bodied Scania's to arrive are 15987 and 15991,
these were pressed into service with Coastliner branding in place from Wednesday 9th of August.

It is interesting to note that Plaxton seem to have lost much of the UK coach market with overseas imports in the dozens. I wonder what will be the next new deliveries ? Ed

Jim Wright

Megabus Yutong OT71BUS,Orion of Manchester on Silverstone Shuttle at Oxford Rail stn.6-8-23.

     London operations    

Andrew Webb

London advert update

Highland Spring are advertising mineral water on two buses in the capital. 

Arriva's HV350 has already reset its blind as it heads south across Waterloo Bridge at the end of another journey along route 341 on 14 August. 

Also a member of the Arriva London fleet is LT538 which has gained its 34th all over advert.  This is for Top Boy, a British television crime drama series, created and written by Ronan Bennett. The Netflix series is set in the fictional Summerhouse estate in the London Borough of Hackney and focuses on two drug dealers. 

Bound for Hackney, the bus is seen at Tottenham Court Road on 14 August. 

Completing an Arriva trio of adverts is LT491 which advertises "Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon" at Liverpool Street on 14 August.
The game is 'a mecha-based vehicular combat game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment'.

London sightseeing developments

GetYourGuide is a German online travel agency.   

At least two Tootbus vehicles have gained this wrap for the company, including VXE729 seen at London Bridge on 14 August. 

This MCV Volvo B9TL started life with Wessex Connect in Bristol where it met a low bridge and lost its roof in 2012.  Acquired by Bath Bus Company (part of RATP)  who tidied up the top deck and set it to work on sightseeing tours in Bath and Windsor.  Now that Tootbus have left the Windsor sightseeing market to Golden Tours  the bus is part of the London fleet and is seen passing Trafalgar Square on 14 August.  The bus carries the now defunct Navigatours brand used in Bath. 

Passing from Tootbus to Golden Tours is this Plaxton President DAF DB250LF dating from 2001 when it was delivered to Arriva London as DLP61.  Fast forward 22 years.

It is seen at Marble Arch on 14 August driven by someone shielding their identity by holding a clipboard (whilst driving) in front of their face!

Andy Churchill

Heyfordian AEC Reliance's from the past being from the same Batch (XWL 798R & XWL800R ) purchased in the Late 1970s with one pictured in the London area and the other in the former Base in Lyne Road Kidlington which is now known as Heyford Mead  very appropriately named certainly Heyfordian will be missed.

Those were the days, all British coaches ! 

Florida Interlude by Gavin Francis

Decided to treat myself to a trip to the Van Hool dealership on August 9th and as always some interesting coaches old and new to be seen. It would be great to go inside!

Lots of variety.

Wonder if the Oxford tube might be interested in an electric development? 

Nick Ross

The superb sounding and looking Leyland Leopard XSS 43Y at Montrose station
working shuttles to the Caledonian railway at Bridge of Dun on August 4th 2023.

A smart looking Enviro 400 10529 at Crathes with a Braemar - Aberdeen 201 service on August 3rd 2023.