Issue nr. 217
Wednesday, August 24th 2022


This past week has seen some great contributions, especially as two of you went to Imberbus something which I have always wished I had been to.

One surprise announcement came yesterday when Abellio announced a UK Management buy out. This when it may happen that Stagecoach buys HCT which is an ongoing situation which appears far from a conclusion.

Gavin Francis retired last Sunday and I have put a piece in to commemorate this event. He has been a stalwart supported for the past 18 years to the OCBP.

Go-Ahead locally have some significant changes due in September and Jack Cooper guides us through these. Jack also visited Reading and has provided some excellent pictures.

Andrew Webb visited Ireland in recent weeks and we have his report in this issue as well as Grahame Wareham's weekly memories of "217" assisted by Andy Churchill and Gavin Francis.

Readers write has some interesting pictures and memories from the past from three contributors rounding off an excellent issue.

Thank you to all my supporters. 


Key rail and bus services to return to UK-ownership

Abellio UK and Nederlandse Spoorwegen announce management buyout.

A new UK-run transport company is set to operate four of the country’s rail passenger services and over 50 London bus routes by the end of this year.
A management buyout from the state-owned rail company, Nederlandse Spoorwegen will pave the way for a new UK-based company to take over all Abellio UK’s existing services, serving millions of rail and bus passengers in London, Liverpool, the Midlands and East Anglia. The new company will be called Transport UK Group Limited.
Led by Managing Director Dominic Booth, who has decades of experience running public transport services in the UK, this deal has been widely welcomed by industry partners and experts. Completion of the buyout deal is subject to formal approval from partners including the Department for Transport, Transport for London and Merseytravel as well as regulatory consent from the Office for Rail and Road.
After 20 years in the UK Nederlandse Spoorwegen has decided to withdraw from the UK market to focus on domestic service provision within, and international railway services to and from, the Netherlands.
Do follow this link for the fullest details of the event.

To see the map open the link above.

Imberbus 2022 was held on Saturday, August 20th when up to 25 old and new Routemaster buses (plus a few guest vehicles) operated from Warminster to Imber and other points on Salisbury Plain.

This year, access to Imber was again only possible using the Imberbuses themselves.   

Imber is an uninhabited village within the British Army's training area on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England. It lies in an isolated area of the Plain, about 2+1⁄2 miles west of the A360 road between Tilshead and West Lavington. A linear village, its main street follows the course of a stream.

Two correspondents, Gavin Francis and David Allen visited the event and sent a selection of pictures.

Gavin Francis

These pictures give some idea of what you will see if you visit Imber in the 21st Century.

Buses and Coaches to be seen at Warminster at the start of Gavin's day.

Imber Clump.

Imber Village.

Market Lavington.

Gore Cross

My rides:- 

LT 97  Marlborough Station to Imber Clump then Go-Ahead 1710  Imber Clump to Imber Village and RML 2318  Imber Village to Gore Cross followed by RM 54 Gore Cross to New Zealand Camp and back 

RMC 1464  Gore Cross to Market Lavington then RT 3435 Market Lavington to Gore Cross  followed by RM 1400 Gore Cross to Imber Village and finally LT 39 Imber Village to Marlborough Station.

A wonderful day out and well worth the effort. 

Dave Allen

Imberbus running day with this my first visit and proving a great day with great weather. Well organised and some nice buses. Recommended.

A selection of pictures taken on the day which give variety from those of Gavin Francis.

The weather made the day and it was an event to be repeated.

Many thanks to Gavin and David who have given me, your Editor, an idea of what the day was like. If you love London buses this is an event not to be miissed.

A Driver's Life at Stagecoach comes to an END

Gavin Francis

Gavin's retirement presentation on August 20th 2022.

Gavin writes "As you know today was my last day working at Stagecoach Oxford after 18 years mainly working on The Oxford Tube. In that time I have been able to supply you pictures on a fairly regular basis from both Oxford and London but sadly this process has now come to an end. 

Was thinking about the first time I sent you a picture. It was back in April 2004 when I did a Google search for something and the answer came up on OCBP which I had never come across before. I found it very interesting to read and decided to send just 1 picture to see if you were interested and I have attached that picture.

Carousel Buses RCL2223 on April 25th 2004. 

You promptly replied and said you would appreciate anymore pictures. 

Shortly after that I joined SC Oxford and that was when the supply of pictures started. Eventually we realised we lived in the same village and I was able to drop a memory stick into you with the pictures on. Technology moved on and we now do it by file transfer. 

Hopefully I will still come up with at least some pictures of interest probably mainly from London which has always been my first interest. 

As always look forward to this weeks page and many more into the future."

Indeed Gavin has been a stalwart supporter of this page since those early days and continues to provide interesting pictures for every issue. His contributions have helped the success of OCBP for those past 18 years. Ed.

Competition in Aylesbury

Paul Coley

See that competition is back between Arriva and Red Rose on their 9/10 services in Aylesbury.

Arriva reducing their frequency on the 9 from every 10 to every 15 minutes, Red Rose increasing theirs on the 10 from every 30 minutes to every 15.

Both services leave Aylesbury Bus Station at the same time, both timed to leave Hawkslade Farm within a minute of each other on the return journey. 

Red Rose tickets currently cheaper than Arriva, let’s see how this goes again… 

      Coach visitors to Oxfordshire     

Jack Cooper

Grange Travel YG68TJV seen by The Ashmolean on August 18th.

Guideline GC17BEE also in Oxford on August 18th.

Travellers Choice had two coaches in Oxford on August 18th, PO18EEV and PO19CXC. 

     Fleet News and developments   

It would appear that 3812 is on temporary allocation at Wycombe. Ed.

Gavin Francis

... spent a morning in Wycombe on August 22nd.

Variety on local Wycombe and Aylesbury services sees the 37B, the X30 and 300 routes.

Not everything runs always smoothly and 3925 had lost a lot of oil in the Eden Bus Station.

On August 17th when in London I caught up with this Tourismo 7213 working the 757.

Jack Cooper

....caught a couple of Arriva's whist in Reading.

Citaros 3009 and 3011 are seen on August 20th.

E400 5469 is seen in St Aldates, Oxford working the 280 on August 18th.

Matthew Sewell

3812 Caught it on 32 also 33 seems to be spare for reprints of the StreetLites and the withdrawal of the last Cadet

Nick Ross

In fading light Arriva Enviro 400 4401 arrives at Tring with the 1900 Watford - Aylesbury 500 on August 18th 2022

Tony Bungay

Bucks Herald reports Arriva locally will be on strike 5th – 7th September. 

Jack Cooper

The 250 is operated by Diamond and two buses are seen above, 20169 on the 18th and 20172 on August 19th.

Jack Cooper

Changes for September have now been published. There are changes across Oxford Bus Company, Thames Travel and Carousel. 

Information can be found here 

Oxford Bus Company / Thames Travel 


Ahead of the changes, 301 has lost city4 branding, and 309 city35. 351-3 have lost the branding for the current 13, however still have city13 on them. 


Gavin Francis

StreetLites 401 and 404 are seen inn Bridge Street on August 22nd.

Soon to be an Arriva route, 940 is seen in Bridge Street working the 36 on August 22nd.

Working the Staff Shuttle, 978 is seen in The Eden Bus Station on August 22nd. 

Gavin Francis

359 is seen in Magdalen Street East with a 6 road service on August 18th.

Jack Cooper

Scania 253 is seen in Wallingford with an X40 to Reading on August 21st.

13 branded 352 is seen with an X3 in St Aldates on August 18th.

Park & ride 680 is seen with a 300 road service on August 19th.

Citaro 846 working an 11X road service in St Aldates on August 18th.

X3 branded 663 is seen in St Aldates passing 212 on August 18th.

James Freeman

.... has sent a video of Citaro 845 leaving Cowley House on August 22nd at the end of its service with Oxford Bus.

Gavin Francis

Interdecks 68 and 70 are seen at Thornhill with Gatwick services on August 18th.

Jack Cooper

Interdeck 70 seen in St Aldates on August 18th.

Gavin Francis

CSS 200 is seen leaving Gloucester Green on August 18th.

Jack Cooper

Scania 212 seen in St Aldates with an X2 working on August 18th.

Citaro 851 is seen in Reading working the 143 service on August 20th.

904 looking spick and span with an X2 working from St Aldates on August 17th. 

Gavin Francis

An Iveco Daily/Indcar GT21MTT seen in High Wycombe on August 22nd.

Gavin Francis

Clarkes BF67WJZ working the 022 in Elizabeth Street on August 17th.

Kings Ferry YT19KUR with an A6 service from VCS on August 17th.

The revised Transport Solutions livery is now appearing as seen by BU18YTX in Buckingham Palace Road on August 17th.
Seemingly with a 400 working ?

Jack Cooper

Oxford's 57 seen at Gloucester Green on August 18th.

including Courtney, Newbury & District & Thames Valley

Jack Cooper

........................ and his visit to Reading on August 20th.

These pictures give an idea of Reading in the summer of 2022.

Railair continues with this fleet of Irizars.

The E400's appear in a variety of liveries for different routes.


Again variety is the mark of the Scania Gas powered buses operating a number of routes.

The livery demonstrates the average yearly temperature for the past two centuries, with the obvious increase in the past 50 or so.


Well, as readers can see there is great variety in Reading and much to see. Ed.

Gavin Francis

The 130 sees a variety of Redline buses in High Wycombe on August 22nd.

From not so old to not so new one can see a proportion of the fleet in a short space of time. 

Gavin Francis

The recently acquired route 40 normally sees the E200MMCs of which there are a number in the red rose fleet.

The 275 is another route into High Wycombe and YX10BGY is the normal bus for this service. 

Gavin Francis

Scania 15971 seen with an S6 working in Gloucester Green on August 18th.

Jack Cooper

Gold 10987 seen with an S6 working in Gloucester Green on August 18th.

Gavin Francis

Shortly to become the S2 11247 is seen in St Giles with the 853 on August 21st.

Off route, 15759 is seen in St Aldates with service 1 on August 17th.

Off route, 15836 is seen with a 2 service in Magdalen Street West on August 17th.

Luxury for 700 customers with 15933 seen in Thornhill with service 700 on August 17th.

More to be expected working the 700, 10069 is seen working the 2 on August 21st.

Graham Welford

Following on from today's bus page which was another great issue. (Keep up the good work.) 

You may have already seen this but stagecoach have today realised the New S2 Oxford to Cheltenham timetable which is the link below:. 

I hope this information helps and apologies if you have already seen it.

Jack Cooper

My old friend 10441 seen with a service 10 in St Aldates on August 18th.

Gold 10784 seen with an S5 service St Giles on August 19th.

MMC's 11234 and 11246 seen with service 853 in St Giles on August 18th and 19th.

Gold S3 branded Scania 15834 seen with a service 7 in Magdalen Street West on August 18th.

Gold replacement 27705 seen with an S7 in Magdalen Street East on August 18th.

Gavin Francis

Bedford bound 11280 is seen in Gloucester Green on August 18th.

Jack Cooper

Bedford bound 10872 is seen in Gloucester Green on August 18th. 

Gavin Francis

Panorama 50425 is seen in London on August 17th. 

Gavin Francis

Watts BF16XPH working for megabus on August 17th.

Parks HSK651 waiting at Elizabeth Bridge on August 18th.

 Interdeck 54283 with an M10 in Buckingham Palace Road on August 17th. 

     London operations    

Andrew Webb

Arriva's HV325 has been wrapped in this advert publicising how buses can contribute to cleaner air.  Read carefully, the advert is not claiming that this hybrid bus is zero emission. 

It is seen at Turnpike Lane on 17 August as it nears then end of the lengthy route 123 from Ilford.

Drivers at London United held strike action on 19 and 20 August, meaning that many routes failed to operate. 

The yard at Hounslow Garage was uncharacteristically full during the afternoon of 19 August as buses await the end of the strike. 

The only route which operated from Hounslow on 19 August was the 419 which managed to operate 9 of the 13 rostered buses. 

DLE30328 is seen passing the closed Mortlake Brewery on 19 August

Gavin Francis

LT673 working route 211 for London United with a wrap for the Qatar 2022 World Cup.
It is seen in Buckingham Palace Road on August 17th. 

Grahame Wareham

As there were no COMS buses numbered above 216 in the 2XX range prior to 1982 then I'm afraid my photographic input is going to be somewhat limited. Having mentioned this I would add that I haven't any of my own images of 218,223 or 224 with Hedingham Omnibuses so if you have any from contributors then I welcome their use. The disposal of Hedingham's ex.COMS Olympians after they were used by LC Cars (Ladycars) is also a bit of a grey area for me as there seems to be no further information regarding the demise of 202, 212, 218, 223, 224, 236 or 237 and I assume that after the last ten or so years that they were probably scrapped...........judging by the chassis corrosion that I have been dealing with on 239! I do have disposal details for 206 and 213 so any further info on the above would be very useful. 


So to 217. Delivered as a pair with sister 216 in October 1982, 217 BBW217Y operated similar duties to all previously delivered Olympians. In 1987 a livery change took place when COMS became OBC and NBC poppy red gave way to almost the previous shade of BET dark red with a white roof and black skirt relieved by a two inch white stripe. This black skirt later became sapphire blue with blue wheels from 1994 after the Go-Ahead input and finally Park & Ride green white and blue with red stripes from May 1997 until June 1999 when it was finally withdrawn and sold to Charlton Services who sent it to Volvo Bus and Coach Loughborough to be converted to single door and upseated to H47/32F.

It emerged in time for an Olympian get together at the Oxford Bus Museum in October 1999 and very smart it look as well.

Charlton ran it until June 2006 when it went north to Kingsley, Rotherham ? for about a year finally ending up with Mike Nash, Thames Valley Bus Sales in Surrey in November 2007 where we assume it was sent for scrap as no further disposal was forthcoming to my knowledge. (the DVLA actually record it as last being taxed for six months in March 2009 and colour altered to white, so a bit of a mystery with this one. Perhaps the PSV Circle has more accurate information than I currently anyone who is a member in a position to find out?) It would be good to know. 

As usual I have no images of the current 217 but am sure your many contributors have loads. 

I'm afraid Issue 218's images from me will be very sparse as I have nothing of this one with Hedingham or Ladycars.

Andy Churchill

Leyland Olympian 217 (BBW217Y) seen in St. Aldate’s in Oxford with both NBC fleet name’s
and privatised Oxford Bus Company names and Different side advertising for the 1980’s .

Gavin Francis

Gavin's pictures show the later 217 from new and up to the present day variously in Oxford and High Wycombe.

From new until 2014, 217 operated in Oxford.

Showing off its Carousel branding from 2018 until the present day.

In spite of the branding 217 paid a return visit to Oxford when seen on January 24th 2022. 


Andrew Webb visits Ireland

Transport for Ireland (TfI) is an umbrella organisation which oversees provision of public transport across the country, using both state and private sector operators to deliver services, many using a common livery.  State owned Dublin Bus remains the dominant operator in Dublin and has taken delivery of large numbers of these Enviro 400 City double deckers, including PA184 seen on 5 August in the pleasant seaside suburb of Dún Laoghaire, ready to head off on the lengthy cross city 46A to Phoenix Park.  It carries the latest Transport for Ireland 'Bus Connect' livery. 

Go Ahead operate several routes in the suburbs of the city, a move designed to allow Dublin Bus to focus on improved capacity in the central area. 

Wright bodied Volvos are the mainstay of most routes, including 11591 seen on the same day in Dún Laoghaire

Go Ahead also operate some single deck Wright StreetLites, including 12116 seen at Bray on 5 August. 

Both carry an earlier version of the Transport for Ireland livery

Transport for Ireland also oversee commuter routes linking Dublin with towns around the city. 


Go Ahead and Bus Eireann both operate services using a fleet of high spec double deck Futura coaches.  Go Ahead's 31310 and Bus Eireann's LF420 are seen on 6 August calling at the city's Heuston railway station.  Both operators also use these Sunsundegui  SB3 bodied Volvo B8RLEs on commuter services.  These offer coach like luxury coupled with a low floor front section. 

Go Ahead's 32410 passes the end of O'Connell Street on 6 August.

Hybrid buses have not gained many orders in Ireland, compared to the neighbouring UK. 

Two small batches are in service, VH1 being the doyen of a batch of Wright bodied Volvos dating from 2019. 

It is seen near Trinity College on 5 August. 

The following day the doyen of a small batch of Enviro 400 MMC hybrids, AH1, is seen crossing O'Connell Street. 

The Enviro 400 MMC body is not common across the Republic of Ireland, Dublin Bus having favoured the City version. 

The two buses show the English and Gaelic versions of the branding carried on alternate sides of the hybrid buses. 

All over adverts are not common in Dublin.  Many of the dwindling fleet of tri axle Enviro 500s dating from 2007 carry adverts covering the central section.

Illustrated by VT43 leaving O'Connell Street on 8 August. 

EV84 carries an allover wrap luring Virgin Media customers to sign up with Eire, seen alongside the River Liffey later the same day.
It is a relatively rare example of an Enviro 400 mounted on a Volvo chassis.

Dublin is a magnet for tourists from across the world, stimulating competition in the open top sightseeing market.  Dublin Bus operates under the 'Do Dublin' brand, using ALX400 and Enviro 400 Volvos cascaded from the main fleet and converted to open top. AX512 and EV21 illustrate the respective types in O'Connell Street, a natural hub for the services.

Big Bus provide competition in the sightseeing market, using a range of vehicles from a variety of sources. 

The ALX400 started life with Dublin Bus and wears its 22 years well when seen in O'Connell Street. 

Seen in the same location is this East Lancs Volvo B7TL which started life with Dualway.   

Also operated are these purpose-built Wright bodied Volvos.

City Sightseeing is the third mainstream competitor in the market.  

Having served in the British capital as Metroline's TP370, this Plaxton President Trident now transports tourists around the streets of the Irish capital. 

Two more buses to swap capitals are these Routemasters which now see use on afternoon tea tours of Dublin. 

RM811 is now registered ZV10903, whilst sister RM2078 is ZV11165.
Both are seen awaiting custom in the popular Temple Bar district on 6 August.

Another 'niche' sightseeing operator is Viking Splash Tours operating road and river tours of Dublin using GMC DUKW amphibious vehicles, a design first seen in World War 2. 

Fleet member Freya is seen on the land based section of the tour passing the end of O'Connell Street on 5 August. 

The Spire of Dublin is a 120 metre monument in O'Connell Street.  It is the tallest structure in Ireland and the tallest sculpture in the world. 

It towers over Dublin Bus Wright Volvo SG277 in this view taken on 8 August.


Away from Dublin, Irish cities are much smaller, meaning that services are less intense but nevertheless still interesting.  Waterford, with a population of 53000 is served by state operator Bus Eireann.  Local services are in the hands of StreetLites of differing lengths. 

WM408 illustrates the shorter examples, whilst WL403 is a longer example.  Both are seen in Waterford on 10 August.

Bus Eireann favours Wright bodied Volvos for their double deck requirements. 
VWD26 illustrates the type as it leaves Waterford on route 360 to Tramore later the same day.

Supporting Bus Eireann in Waterford are two independent operators. 

JJ Kavanagh, an operator with over a century of experience, operate three services in the city using Mercedes Citaros. 

Not all have working destination displays, hence the provision of slipboards which are superfluous
in this view of one picking up passengers en route for Ballygunner. 

Suirway have an even longer pedigree, having started business in 1899.  The company operates what they term 'commuter' services to Dunmore East, Passage East and Portlaw. 

This Wright Volvo B7RLE is headed for Dunmore East when seen on Waterford Quay on 10 August. 

Also operated is this Optare Solo which started life as MX08DHJ with Sims Travel in Cumbria. 
It is seen approaching the Waterford Crystal visitor centre on the same day.


Since 18 December, Galway based City Direct have operated routes KK1 and KK2 in Kilkenny under contract to Transport for Ireland. 

Wright StreetLites are the regular vehicles as these two seen in the city on 11 August illustrate.

Demand responsive transport by Transport for Ireland is marketed under the 'Local Link' brand and operated by a range of contractors. 

The Transit is seen in Waterford on 10 August, whilst the two Mercedes Sprinters are seen in Carlow on 12 August.

A fascinating pierce from Andrew showing the variety and interest to be found in The Republic of Ireland.  Ed. 

Les Burton

North Western again this week when I was very young, Worths had Bristol K5Gs from North Western (see picture from T W W Knowles below. Ed.)

I knew Mike Bridges coming to Manchester many years ago when he returned every year teacher students.

Les also provides a picture of an Atkinson bus with Weymann bodywork, part of a batch purchased by North Western many years ago in 1952. They were heavy on the steering and more suited to longer routes than local service.

This has been restored in the later all red livery but the front seat by the driver was very popular.
The link below gives more details of this type of bus.  

Matt Cooper

I was interested to see Stagecoach West acquiring a couple of 'new'  training vehicles.  27553 was at Portsmouth when new and along with fellow members of the batch up to 27570 principally used on route 23 (Leigh Park to Southsea)  27553 & 27554 were unbranded with 553 becoming the 'Santa Bus' each December.  A PA system was installed and external holders attached around the bus to accommodate the signs and decorations as detailed in the photos.  Staff did an excellent job of the interior with 'Santa' and his elf helper duplicating several routes around the city and surrounding area during December,  all donations to charity.  Very festive indeed!  (During my stint at Pompey we had 3 Santa's,  all willing volunteers!)   

The other relates to MK's now grade 2 listed Central Bus Station.  Opened in 1983 this impressive facility was always under utilised and never lived up to expectations.  Company offices on the upper floor closed early on replaced by a nightclub!  In later years it was used for crew changes,  parking and the occasional service.  More logically all services use stops outside MK Central rail station.  This is across the road adjacent to Station Square where Christopher Reeve once flew over as Superman IV!  The budget strapped film makers of the fourth movie using several locations around MK which bear close resemblance to US styling.  It was also the location of the 'Fan base' as part of the Women's Euro Football matches played this summer.  Along with some other UK venues Stadium MK (home of MK Dons)  was used and transport provided from CBS!  Previously utilised when the West Coast Mainline was being upgraded and during recent large scale rail replacement the bus station is usually a car park and local community cafe.  It has received a face-lift in accordance with its new grade 2 status but always looks quite sad watching buses and coaches pass by stopping elsewhere! Lettering was applied to pavements leading up to CBS to guide those travelling to the stadium and the drive-through and 'shark tooth'  bays coned off for buses and coaches to use.  Sadly I don't have any pics with buses in as I was on holiday during the time when most of the games were played!   

A tenuous link now,  Finland's women's football team played a number of matches at MK and their white and blue national colours featured around the city.  Scania UK has their head quarters in MK and a batch of unusual Scania buses was used by Scancoaches of London in an early tender win from LRT.  These were Scania K92s with Jonckheere bus bodies and featured CAG equipment,  a 'thinking gearbox'  worked with dashboard display,  dash mounted gear selector and a clutch pedal.  Very unusual for route 283 in London (Shepherds Bush to Hammersmith Hospital) and all wore Finnish blue and white with Finnish advertising on the vehicles.  An interesting article OK these vehicles appears in Ian Allan's January 1987 Buses magazine.   

The batch moved on after the tender for route 283 was lost in 1990 and served with several other operators.  From my collection is C355 SVV which at least got to work in snowy conditions and carry skis whilst working for Cairngorm Ski Lift Co!   

Keep up the good work with the page,  thank you again for your kind words regarding my recent book and I'll be in touch again very soon.  

You do mention 27554 is the trainer and not 27553 which was the Santa bus!  My apologies!   

The other correction is route 283 in West London when Scancoaches ran it operated from Hammersmith Hospital to West Brompton,  a longer route then that of the same number today.   

The nightclub that occupied the first floor of CBS at MK was the chain 'Chicago' and although the location was handy for the punters it was noisy for the crews having a break downstairs!   

On a different matter altogether Portsmouth Enviro 300 27555 received an overall livery back in 2012 for a local fares promotion called 'Mega Monkey!'  It was a bit like the old Bus Points scheme and also involved a number of local attractions where you could receive discounts. It wasn't terribly successful but I have some pictures of the launch even somewhere,  we hired a monkey costume for one of the controllers to wear!  The marketing office can be interesting at times!  

Thomas W W Knowles

Thank you Malcolm for yet another interesting briefing.  

My attention is drawn to the items on Worths. It so happened that I called in there briefly last Saturday, the day after the event, since I was down for the memorial service that was held at Lower Heyford Church for Graham Smith former Director of Heyfordian, who passed away a few months ago. I got to know Graham as he was the Heyfordian Director involved with the Oxford Classic Tour when I joined that organisation in 1995 - the business was jointly owned by Tappins, Heyfordian and Lothian Region Transport. 

Anyhow, I digress. I often travelled past Worths premises when I lived at Lower Oddington near Stow on the Wold, frequently calling in with camera in hand. I remember a good number of years ago showing Richard Worth the few photographs that I had taken some years earlier of his vehicles and Paul, although he probably did not know my name, would have regarded as a familiar face and it was always appreciated that below the front of the counter in the shop, Classic Tour and later City Sightseeing Oxford leaflets taken in by me were willingly displayed. The fact that I was always allowed to taken photographs, including last Saturday, was always appreciated. 

One person who I have known for a long time, initially through the Omnibus Society, is Mike Bridges, and I was delighted to see photographs of him accompanying Grahame Wareham's tribute to the company and was pleased to see in Graham's piece words of recognition of Mike's contribution to the company.


To illustrate for how long I have been familiar with Worths I am attaching a couple of photographs taken in 1960. JA 7723 was a pre-war Bristol K5G that was new to North Western Road Car and who had it rebodied by Willowbrook in the early 1950s seen at Banbury, whilst LWL 313 is not a very sharp picture but is ex COMS and is an AEC Regent II with Park Royal body parked in the independents' location at the old Gloucester Green Bus Station. 

Further to the piece on Bournemouth, I have been told yesterday that some Swindon Buses are operating for Morebus at present. 

Concerning the Bournemouth saga, I have also been in touch with another former colleague and he says that the National Express contracts were operated by the failed Yellow Buses (Bournemouth Transport Ltd.), but Yellow Coaches was a separate limited company operating the Megabus contract and that Xelabus bought Yellow Coaches from the former directors as this company was not  involved with the administrators. 

Although outside your patch you might find these comments useful as a follow up or at least be of interest to yourself if you do not want to use the information.

Best wishes to all ! 

These three letters show the variety and history of local operators. Ed.